Get Over Here

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Warnings: it’s kinda smutty ? idunno man. 

Your hands were sweaty, making the efforts to dry them almost impossible. The fabric of your dress seemed to let your hands slide, causing your cheeks to heat up. You looked around the room to see if anyone was watching, but as you figured no one was even trying to watch you. 

You had no idea where Dark was, he walked in with you and handed you a glass before finding someone he needed to talk to and leaving you where you’ve been standing for the past 15 minutes. You hoped he didn’t forget about you, but you kept an eye open for him if he came back looking for you. 

It was one of those demon dinner parties that he’s been convincing you to come to and you were honestly impressed with how classy everything was. Some demons drank wine, like Dark, some drank whiskey. They reminded you of your own family almost; yet human. 

The dress Dark made you wear was almost not classy enough and you felt supremely underdressed around everyone. You tried not to show how nervous and scared you actually were, but in reality you wanted to bolt right out of there. 

You felt a hand touch your shoulder and instantly the wine glass in your hand dropped. The gentleman caught the glass before it even touched the floor but he never moved to get it; almost like he was catching it with his mind. As if these demons weren’t already creepy enough, this one gave you a half smirk and sort of bowed to you as he handed your wine glass back. 

“You’ve been standing here quite a while,” he voice was rough, like he was an addicted smoker. 

You nodded with a small gulp. You tried to contain the stutter in your voice; “Yeah, I have.” 

“Have you been here by yourself?” You could already sense the mood that the conversation was heading and you were deathly scared of even answering it. There’s something about demons getting rejected that completely enrages them- well the ones that Dark hangs around. The first time you refused to live with Dark it was almost life or death because of how angry he got. 

He’s a lot more controlled around you but this is another demon, one you aren’t used to and don’t even know. You’re absolutely terrified at this point, and you don’t even see or feel Dark. You wished you had some type of connection whenever you were scared, like if you thought of him he would just appear by your side. 

It would honestly help a lot, and you’d feel a lot more protected in this point in time. 

The demon continued to look at you, eyes seeming to bore into your temples as you looked around the ballroom to avoid looking at him and to look for Dark. 

As if you couldn’t be even more startled, a hand found it’s way to your spine and you almost turned to slap it away before you felt the familiarity of the coldness. His hand slipped around you until it latched onto your hip firmly, pulling into your side, and only then did you hear the growl. 

“Leave,” Dark’s aura was definitely well, darker than it usually was. It wasn’t often that he had to show dominance to other demons but when it came to you, you were positive he’d risk his place on the hierarchy just for you. 

The other demon seemed to get the message but at the same time was not happy that you seemed to be taken. He strolled away from you two, only to disappear moments later into thin air. You still felt his presence, but it was definitely a shift in the mood. 

“Why didn’t you call for me?” Dark whispered to you, moving you both so that you were secluded into a room off to the side. He had pulled you away the second the other demon left and kept touching your skin as if to check if you were hurt. 

“I thought you were busy,” you replied with a meek little smile. “But thank you for that, Dark.” 

“Anything for you, darling. I just have to show that you aren’t up for sale,” he said with a firm clench of his jaw. He brought your head to his, kissing your forehead gently before making his way to your lips where he left a tender kiss. It was rare when Dark was ever passionate with you, but you enjoyed it to the max. 

His hands snaked their way down your shoulders to wrap themselves around your waist, pulling your body flush with his. He left kisses down your jaw and behind your ear, whispering those sweet nothings that you so rarely hear. Your body was quivering with the amount of attention he was giving you and he was fully aware of the affect he had on you. 

He squeezed your hips, his lips now trailing along the skin of your throat and leaving light bites, not enough to leave marks because he’s not that kind of man to mark you when you have to go back out in public in such a short amount of time. Your hands grip his face, pulling it back up to yours as you force his mouth onto yours, desperate to have something covering your mouth to conceal the moans that wanted to come out. 

He chuckled against you, sending vibrations throughout your body and making you shiver with delight. “You’re so eager, aren’t you darling?” His voice was deliciously low, and you almost caved in front of him in that instant. 

“Mmmhm,” you moaned quietly into his neck as his hands continued to grope your body. You left your mark on his skin and instantly his movements stopped. He pulled your head to face him and took his hands off of you. You pouted, obviously upset that he had stopped with the amount of attention he was giving you. 

Don’t look at me like that, you brought this on yourself,” he rolled his eyes, glaring at you. He looked at himself in the mirror, assessing the mark you left on his neck and breathed deeply. Sometimes he loved the marks you put on him but now was not the time. 

“Oh come on, Dark it’s one love bite,” you pout, reaching for his hand. He huffs, but accepts your smaller palm in his, kissing your knuckles as a mild apology. 

“Learn to control the mouth of yours, Y/N; it’s going to get both of us in trouble,” he states and gives you on final kiss before leading you back out into the legion of demons. 

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