Relax Darling

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Warnings: just a lot of teasing in this, not fully smut

You had pissed him off the night before with your sass, that’s why he proposed the most insane idea the next morning when you had finally woken up. You had barely registered where you were at before he told you the plans of the day, and you were not happy with what he had planned. 

“You want to use what?” You asked, your voice straining on the last word. 

“Did I stutter?” he looked at you with a quirked eyebrow, arms behind his back like how he normally stands when he’s annoyed with you. His head tilts ever so slightly to the side when you narrow your eyes at him. “Did I stutter, darling?” he growled and inched closer to you with each word, until his nose was touching yours. 

He rarely used that voice around you, only when he felt it was absolutely needed. “No,” you replied to him firmly, licking your lips, determined not to show him what a mess you’re going to turn into. 

“Good,” he said, appreciating the cooperation you’re giving him. “Don’t forget to put them on and meet me downstairs for breakfast.” 

You tried not to groan as he left the room, knowing fully that he would turn right around and give you a piece of his mind, and you were not up for that this morning. You weren’t even up to his little game either, but you did it to humor him because after all, you were his. You did what he told you to. 

You slipped the vibrator panties on, regretting the fact that you even considered buying them. Dark had already taken the remote, much to your dismay, so you continued to dress yourself before walking down the staircase. 

Your stomach dropped as you heard all of the other egos in the dining room, the ball in your tummy clenching tightly. You knew he was going to set off the underwear in front of everyone, just to see how well your self control was. 

“Hello, darling; nice of you to join us this morning,” Dark smirked as he kissed your cheek, taking his plate of food to his spot at the head of the dining table. The spot next to him was empty, that was your spot, and he gave you that glance that told you if you didn’t sit there, there was only going to be more trouble later on. 

You were grateful that Dr. Iplier knew how to cook, you loved his pancakes in the morning. You nabbed a couple before the rest could be taken and took your spot next to Dark, not looking over at him until he cleared his throat gently. 

Your eyes glanced up toward him, his eyes narrowed and lips curved in a smirk as his right hand disappeared underneath the table. You swallowed, just waiting for the vibrations to start and once they did you had to bite your lip to keep from screaming.

That bastard had the highest setting on!

Your head snapped toward him, your eyes on fire. You took multiple deep breaths before you could start eating again, and even then your hand shook you brought the fork to your mouth. Bim glanced at you from across the table; “Y/N, you okay?” 

You nodded quickly, giving a small smile. 

Dark tutted his tongue, kicking your foot underneath the table. You knew exactly what that meant. Use your words.

“I’m good, Bim,” you repeated, your voice shaky as you were quickly reaching an orgasm with Dark never letting up with the setting that he had started you at. 

You just you were shutting your eyes, about to release, Dark shut the vibrating off. Your eyes shot back open, turning to glare at him, but he was already smirking at your reaction. 

This happened about four more times, until you were on the brink of smacking him. You stood and your knees almost buckled, thankfully he was nice enough to catch you before you landed and placed you carefully on your lap. His lips met your ear as he whispered; “Relax. You can handle more than you think.” 

You had to shut your eyes to hold in a moan as you stood, brushing your pants off to rid yourself of your shaking nerves. 

“Y/N, darling,” Dark called before you could leave the dining room. There weren’t much stragglers, just Bim and the Silver Sheppard were left in the dining room and they barely paid attention to you. “You’re in for a lot more, baby girl,” he gave you a smug wink before nodding his head, his way of telling you that you could leave. 

You fumed. You turned to walk up the steps but again he had turned on the vibrator, playing with the settings almost because it varied in pressures. You stood at the bottom of the staircase until it stopped, and promptly screamed the only name you could. “Dickhead!”

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