Office Quarrels (Pt. 1)

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Assitant!Reader au

Even more Wilford x Dark x Reader cause I started and now I can't stop

Assistant doesn’t mind working with the egos a single bit! Everyone thinks of them as a wonderful friend and coworker, but some seem to want... something more...
(y/n) was new at the Ego building, but they quickly proved themselves useful. They were all skeptical at first, even (y/n) wasn’t sure if they’d be able to stay for long, but soon (y/n) felt at home with their crazy coworkers. Everyone eventually grew fond of them, at their own pace though. (y/n) certainly helped around a lot, they brought in snacks during long meetings, sorted the egos’ paperwork so they’d each have their fair share, proofread documents and generally helped with scheduling. After some time, (y/n) was eve included in group outings!! Everyone considered them to be a great friend, though some of them wanted…. more….

(y/n) was in their own office space, it was located at the front of the building on the second floor, with one-sided windows allowing them to see outside. They sat at their sleek black desk, their computer on top of it, with some boxes for sorting paperwork beside it. They moved back and stretched in the comfortable, black office chair they had been provided. They had been going through some of Wilford’s documents when, coincidentally, the man came by, seemingly out of nowhere. (y/n) was a bit startled, though not as much as they might’ve been, this was quite a common occurrence after all.

Their voice came out in a bit of a stutter as they tried to compose themselves. “Oh! Um, hi Wilford, you need anything?”

He stretched out his suspenders, letting them snap back before bringing out a small, light blue box from behind his back with a pink poof. (y/n) could see the remnants of the pink cloud, just the faintest outline, not uncommon, simply Wilf’s shortcuts which he used quite often, reality bending.

“Oh nothing hun, just wanted to leave ya this, a lil’ ol’ gift for all the hard work ya do~” He winked and grinned sweetly as (y/n) opened the box. It was chocolates, some with intricate designs, some in pink or white, many varieties. (y/n) smiled as a bit of heat rose to their cheeks, barely noticeable, though Wilf still saw as he beamed with pride.
“Gosh, thank you! I certainly appreciate it!”

Wilford felt victorious at that moment, keenly aware of a certain someone staring him down from a nearby corner. “No need to thank me sweetheart~ I’ll be off now!”

The man seemed to disappear in front of them, leaving only a faint pink smoke smelling of candy behind.

“That was quite… random…” (y/n) mumbled to themselves as they set aside the box of sweets for later, though they gladly ate one of the chocolates first, a pink heart shaped one, it was absolutely delicious. Before they could do much else, (y/n) was interrupted yet again. This time, it was the complete opposite counterpart to Wilford. He walked in calmly, wolf-like, predatory smile on his features and a troublesome glint to his eyes.

“(y/n)? Mind if I interrupt you for a quick moment?” Dark spoke quite sweetly, gently even.

“Oh no I don’t mind, what is it?” They tried not to let any nervousness bleed through their voice, Dark wasn’t the easiest to remain calm around after all.

“I simply wanted to gift you this- He pulled out a small black box from his pocket, setting it down on (y/n)’s desk before continuing – you do a lot of excellent work around here, I just wanted to show my gratitude, love~”

He paused to allow them to open the box. (y/n) gasped lightly as they saw its contents, a simple necklace, yet very elegant; it had an obsidian pendant held by a silver fixture on a sophisticated, black, braided sort of cord. This time, they could not hide the color that dusted their features as they hastily tried to reply, finding it quite difficult to produce much of a coherent thought.

“You really didn’t have to bring me this gosh! It’s beautiful, thank you very much!”

Dark became even more smug than usual, if that was even possible, as he spoke. “No worries dear, I’ll leave you to continue your work then.”

He wore a proud grin as he began to leave and saw them slip on the necklace from the corner of his eye.

(y/n) certainly had no clue what was going on today, yet the one thing they did know was that something felt off, the whole building gave off a different vibe, a rather drastic shift in atmosphere.

And so, war had begun~

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