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I let out a scream and jolted up out of bed, falling out and landing with a hard thump. My chest heaved and I had my sheet in a death grip, cold sweat covering every inch of my skin. Both Dark and Mark busted down my door half a second later, rushing over to me, asking what was wrong. I was too preoccupied with crying and soon Dark pulled me against his chest and murmured soothing words into my ear, rubbing my back while Mark checked the windows and closet for anything that might’ve made me scream.
    I buried my face in Dark’s chest, shaking violently. The images of my dream flashing wildly in my head, making me cry harder as I clung to Dark.    
    “Shh... shh, my Darling, it’s alright, you’re safe now, I’m here...” Dark rumbled softly, his heartbeat echoing in my head since my ear was pressed against his chest. Soon, I calmed down and opened my eyes to see Mark kneeling next to us, too. Dark continued to rub my back as my sobs slowly dwindled to a few tears. Mark looked distressed to see me in such a state, and Dark, however gentle he was being, I could tell he was simmering with anger, ready to kill whatever caused me such pain.
    “[Y/n]? Can  you tell us what happened?” Mark asked softly once I’d finally gone silent against Dark’s chest. After a moment, I nodded.
    “I-” I hiccuped, “h-had a n-n-n-night-m-mare, y-you all d-d-” I started crying again.
    “It’s alright, Darling, you don’t have to talk about it now if you do not wish to.” Dark soothed, pulling me even closer to him. He was only in a black t-shirt and  pair of boxers, and Mark was shirtless, but I didn’t care. He gently rocked back and forth, pressing his lips against my hair, worry and concern etched onto his face. Mark had the exact same expression. Sometimes they were too alike.
    I eventually fell asleep in Dark’s arms.
    Dark felt [Y/n]’s breathing slow and glanced down. She was sleeping soundly against his chest. Mark noticed too and sighed.
    “Well... guess we better put her into bed.” Dark nodded. He gently slid one arm under her legs and one behind her back before standing up and setting her in her bed, draping the blankets over her. Dark couldn’t help but admire how her tank top and shorts hugged her form well, showing off all of her curves. She was truly a beautiful specimen. Mark stood up and started to head to the door, and after a moment, Dark turned around to join him when something grabbed his wrist. He glanced down to see [Y/n] gazing up at him sleepily, her cheeks still stained with tears.
    “P-Please stay...” She rasped. Dark hesitated. Glanced up, he saw Mark had already left, closing the door behind him. Dark looked back down at [Y/n], seeing the pain in her eyes. Dark’s gaze softened.
    “Of course, Darling.” [Y/n] relaxed, and Dark went around to the other side of the bed and climbed in. [Y/n] rolled over and Dark shifted closer so that he could wrap his arms around her. Now that she was calmed down, [Y/n] was a little shocked at the physical contact and the gentleness. Sure, Dark had always been gentle with her, but he was also a cold and calculated demon. Maybe she was special to him? Self-hate forced her to reject the idea, but it still lingered in the back of her mind.
    [Y/n] buried her face into Dark’s chest once more, appreciating the warmth. Dark rested his chin on her soft hair and let out a content sigh. This was all he ever wanted. To just... hold her. To protect her. To love her. And while he so terribly wished that the two of them could officially be together, he knew he was probably incredibly lucky that she was even letting him hold her. He was a demon, after all. Sure, she accepted and respected that, but he still worried that he was feared by her.
    Dark felt her relax in his arms and pulled her closer, closing his eyes and doing a few tricks to make sure she didn’t have another nightmare. He watched her sleep peacefully for a while before falling asleep himself, lulled into a sense of security by her warmth.
    The next morning, I woke up in Dark’s arms. I felt my heart skip a beat. My face was pressed against his chest and his arms were wrapped protectively around me. I smiled. This was really all I’d ever wanted. To be this close to Dark. I loved him. And part of me screamed that he loved me too, but I didn’t want to push it. I was lucky that he was this gentle with me at all.
    I let out a quiet sigh and just appreciated being in his arms like this.
    “Have anymore nightmares?” He asked quietly. I shook my head. “Good.” He pulled me tighter against him and sighed. I snuggled closer to him and sensed him smile.
    “This is nice.” I ventured saying. He hummed in agreement.
    “I wish I could hold you like this all the time...” I heard him whisper.
    “Me too.” I answered without thinking. Dark went quiet for a moment.
    “I... I love you.” I shifted so that I could look up at him. His eyes were sincere, and I felt myself light up.
    “I love you too!” I breathed. His eyes widened and he grinned.
    “R-Really?” I nodded and he laughed, pulling me closer to him and pressing his lips against mine. I happily returned the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck and twining my fingers with those brown locks. His hands ran up and down my body slowly, tracing my curves. I shivered as his calloused fingers grazed my skin and he smiled into the kiss.
    I eventually had to pull back from the heated kiss for air, and Dark pressed his forehead against mine, smiling a dopey smile that I’ve never seen on his face before. I giggled as he kissed my nose, and started trailing kisses along my cheekbone, down my jaw, and onto my neck. A purr rumbled in his chest.
    “I’ve wanted to do this for so long.” His voice was happy but laced with longing and pain. I pulled him closer to me and ran my fingers through his hair soothingly, and he sighed, relaxing against me and pressing his face into my neck. “God, I love you so much.” 
    “I love you too.”

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