01. Double Dare

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I hope you enjoy this story it will contain some steamy hot content when the story progresses so be aware. Don't forget to vote/comment/share and follow please.


"Tonio... I'm serious! I double dare you to get Victor Parks to fall for you!" He nearly screamed in my ear.

"That's like so beneath me, plus he's like a bully or whatever. But still what's in it for me?.." I said thinking about taking his challenge.

"Hey, you get unwanted love from the most homophobic guy at our school duh!" He laughed.

"Maybe I'll think about it.." I said somewhat unsure if I wanted to take on his dare now. He was giving me weird vibes now.

For a straight guy, Carlos seemed to have a dent in his line. Meaning sometimes I think he could be bisexual. Carlos is Hispanic just like me with gray eyes, curly hair, braces, and a native nose. He was attractive but I knew not to take any chances. I on the other hand  did not have braces my teeth were straighter than me actually, I had light brown eyes and long black hair. We both were 17 in our Junior year in high school. Every now and then at his house after school, Carlos would get all weird with dares as if he was waiting for me to do something but I have no clue what it is but I love dares.


Monday morning at school I thought about Carlos's dare and how he reacted before I said "Maybe" but I decided to take on the dare anyway. Second period started and I saw my first opportunity to actually talk to Victor in culinary arts. I sat next to him in class which he noticed but didn't say anything. Everyone at school knew I was gay and I was kind of popular because I was the cheer captain so the whole class as they entered not paying attention to the teacher as if there was about to be a fight. I was nervous but I had confidence on my side.

"Okay, class you know what we're making so keep up, open your flour and pour one cup into your bowls." Mrs. Lolly said as she did it on her own.

We both reached for the flour our hands touching as we gripped it looking at each other when they did. He quickly pulled his hand back and grabbed his stuff, getting ready to leave the room.

"What's wrong?" I said grabbing his arm before he left yanking it away.

"Mr. Parks get back here this instant!" Mrs. Lolly yelled after him leaving class unsupervised.

I noticed all eyes were on me when Mrs. Lolly came back pulling victor by the ear and her face told me that I was in trouble as well.

"You both have detention. No buts. I bet you get along just fine there, Mr. Parks." She said releasing him. He walked back over with his head down which made the whole class laugh when he started rubbing his ear.

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