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Stiles POV

The tips of fingers trace my face as I stare at myself in the mirror. My honey-hazel eyes were staring right back at me. I smile as I trace my moles on my face Nana said that they make me look cute. My nose was shaped like a button, my small lips were curled in a small smile.

My long dark brown hair that was messy reaches my waist as I push it out of my face, my small body was posed in front of my mirror. I place my hands on my hips and swing them a bit. "Stiles! Come here please" I smile at my Nana's voice.

"Coming!" I grab a hairband and pull my hair in a low and messy bun and ran out of my room. I tripped over a couple of stairs as I made my way downstairs. I was greeted with my grandma's dark frown as she talked in french on the phone.

I wait until she was finished so I could ask her why she was calling me. She turns around and her face immediately softens as soon as she saw me. She smiles and said. "Come on little one we have things to discuss"

My grandma was only an inch shorter than me. Her eyes were brown like my father's, she has the same moles like me on the exact place like me. Her hair was a pale shade of blonde turning grey since she was getting old. But other than that she was wise as always.

"Your father wants you back in Beacon Hills" Those were the words that hit me as soon as I sit down. "What? Why?" I shouted. "That's what I said but sweetie you haven't been to school for two years since you got here, I'm sorry but you have to go tomorrow" I felt I tear slip from my eyes as I was refusing to cry.

"I know it's hard sweetheart but he's right" My grandma pull me in a hug. "Fine I'll go home, but will you come by?" My grandma chuckled and started stroking my hair. "Actually I'm going to stay there for two months" my face lit up as I jump out of her embrace.

"Really, why didn't you tell me?" I jumped up and down in excitement. "That was a surprise and plan B in case you weren't going to come back" I hug my grandma as I was happy. "OMG, I got to pack, I have so many things to pack, how am I gonna-" my grandma interrupt me.

"Don't worry dear I pack some of your things go to sleep it's little" I shake my head and pull her off her seat. "I want you to put me to sleep" she nodded and follow me upstairs to my room.

I open my room door and quickly jump in my bed. My Nana chuckled and muttered, "Silly girl" She pops down beside as I pull my blanket. She brushes her hands through my hair and pulls out my messy bun. "We've gotta do something about this messy hair before you go, okay" I nodded my head as a yawn escaped my mouth.

I closed my eyes as I let sleep devour me as I give up on staying awake. "Goodnight Nana" she kissed my forehead as I closed my eyes. "Goodnight my little sly vixen" As she said those words a song came to my mind as I lost consciousness.

🎵 You're my pretty little vixen🎵


Do you guys know what song that is?

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Till next time,

See you soon,

Sunshine fairy 15💋

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