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Heather's POV

I watch as I saw Danny dragged Stiles with him as she looks back on me with worry I waited until they were out of sightline and turn to face the ugly thing?

"A berserker" I remember reading one of those things with my mother back when we were living with my aunt. So umm what am I gonna do to with this thing? What I know is that the berserker can't even be destroyed.

"Phasmatos" I chanted as I push my arms out. I watch as I saw the left foot of the berserker was set on fire. It can give me more time to get Danny and Stiles out of here. I run pass the berserker and back in the school as fast as I can.

I heard a howl which caused met to trip and fell on the floor. I. curse when I felt a slight pain in my ankle. Thank goodness that I said I wanted to wear sneakers. I push my self to my feet and continue to run in the school.

I didn't get that far when I heard another howl and something caught the back of my blouse and threw me backward. My back hit a fence as I slide down with a groan.

I open my eyes to the berserker walking towards me. I gritted my teeth before I stretch my arms out. "Ex Spiritum In Tacullum" I lit a stone on fire and use my levitation spell to throw it at the berserker.

I smile when I saw the berserker want flying and hit the wall behind it. I push myself to my feet and was about to run when I felt a body collided with mine and throw me backward, again.

"What the hell....?" I push the person of me. "Watch it" She spat as she jumps off the ground. "Your the one who bumps into me," I said back. She turns to me and I could see she's a were-creature I just don't know which one. Her brown curly hair was down over her shoulders and her bright baby blue eyes were glaring at me.

"Then get out of the w..." She was interrupted when I saw three more people were thrown to the side. They were the people I saw at the station minus one and Scott was there too.

"I can't handle this shit" I got up on my feet only to be thrown to a wall and I felt like my skull was bashed out. I slide down the wall groaning as I went down.

Through my blurry eyes, I saw a berserker stalking its way over to and raised its arm and I saw a boney bone on it. I close my eyes as I went for the impact.


Third Person POV

"I can't just sit here and wait for Heather to come back," Stiles said as she and Danny sit in his car waiting for Heather. "Okay, Heather just told me to get you out of there, and I did as she said," Danny said, Stiles rolled her eyes and lean back in the car seat with a huff.

Stiles's eyes drifted back to the forest where she heard a light humming sound. A cool breeze blew through her hair in the car as Stiles closed her eyes and let the peace and quiet consume her.

That's when the flashes started, as they come they went by. Stiles only saw bits. She saw a feminine hand holding a list with people's name on it, she saw a stump that was once a tree in the middle of a forest, she saw herself screaming in her bed, she saw a green-skinned woman with long green hair and seductive green eyes walking fluidly towards some people, and finally, she saw Heather who was slammed against a wall.

Stiles open her eyes and gasp as a horrible feeling downed on her and she started unbuckling her seatbelt.

"Stiles, what are you doing?" Danny questioned startled by Stiles's action. "Heather she's in trouble" Was all the small girl respond as she opens the car door and bolted back in the school, Danny's voice was slowly drowning as she reached further and further in the school.

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