🐾Chapter 5🐾

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Third Person POV

After picking up their kids, Noah decided that Grace and Heather should stay at their place for a few months. After some convincing from Heather, Grace agreed to stay.

The car finally stopped as Stiles look up at her house. The house was still the same but was painted with a different color; blue and white. The garden has more flowers and plants in it. Stiles smiled as she climbs out of the car and breathes in the air; home.

"It's good to have you back kiddo" Her father patted the top of his daughter's hair messing it up a bit. "Hey!" Stiles pouts as she fixes her hair that her Nana did for her. Noah smiled down on he's an innocent baby girl. For a seventeen years old girl she was quite small for her age.

Considering that Stiles was born in late December when she should have been born in April, she was born four months early and had to spend her first four months of life in a hospital because she was born prematurely.

And to add more salt to the wound she had inherited everything from her mother, from her beautiful eyes to her short height genes. So to put it short Stiles is about 5 feet inches tall. So that's why Noah always calls her 'little vixen'.

"Come on" Noah grab his daughter's hand and drag her to the front door, Heather and her mother flowing close behind giggling. He unlocked the door and open it.

Stiles POV

"Surprise!" I heard people shouted. My eyes widen when I saw Melissa, Danny, and his mother standing in the decorated living room.

"Oh my.." I was speechless. "Welcome back Mischief," Melissa said as she pulled me in for a hug. She had to lean down a bit as I stand on my tiptoe to hug her better. We pulled away as she patted my head. "You need to start growing Stiles" I smile and nodded. "Will try but I can't do anything about it," I told her.

"Stiles!" I turned around and was immediately towered over a tall person. The boy was tall obviously and handsome but I recognize the gentleness in his voice and my head clicked. "Danny?" I asked as I stare up at the boy. "It's been two years and you already forgot about me?" He asked.

"Oh my gosh! Danny!" I jump up in his arms as he wraps his arms around me returning the hug. We pull apart as I look him up and down. "Two years and you still look good" I complained to him. "I could say the same for yourself" I smile.

"Okay, less chit chat and more celebrating," Danny's mother said as she pulls me in a hug. "Welcome back darling" she whispered in my ears. "It's good to be back" She picked up a bag from the table of food and hand it to me.

Curly fries, yes god! I miss this. When I had arrived in Paris my Nana had to change my diet so I haven't eaten. "Oh my God! Thank you I haven't eaten this in ages"  I quickly open the bag and was met with the smell of delicious curly fries.

I put one in my mouth and moaned at the delicious taste. Everyone laughed at my antics and grab some as well. I was chewing on my curly fries when a bitter taste clings my mouth. I wrinkled my nose but continue to eat it until the bag was empty by the time I finished the bitter taste only got worse so I had to excuse myself to use the bathroom.

I quickly walk up the stairs and head to the left and enter the bathroom. I turn on the pipe and tried to wash the bitter taste out of my mouth. I roll off some tissue and tried to rub it off my taste buds but it was still there. I gritted my teeth in frustration and slam my hand on the wash side.

I was surprised when I didn't feel any pain. I look at my hands to see marks stretching on my wrist up to my hands. The marks were of Vines but were curled up in a way making them look like swirls. "Gen?" I spun around hiding my hands behind my back to Heather standing at the door looking at me with concern.

"Are you okay?" She asked as she steps in the bathroom. "Yes, I  just wanted to look at myself," I told. "Gen, tell me what's wrong" She walks closer to me with closer to me. "What? No, I'm okay!" I told but Heather's hand's fled behind my back as she drags my hands from their hiding spot.

"Gen?" I snatched my hands away from her. "Am fine it's probably just a stretch or something?" I told her as I walk out of the bathroom and to my room only to find Danny sitting on my bed. "Okay, what are you guys up to?" I said as I look at Heather who stopped at my door and Danny who was sitting on my bed.

"Stiles, I saw your face when you were eating your curly fries, so what's up?" Danny said as I look at me with narrowed eyes. "It's nothing, maybe it's because I haven't eaten it in a while" Heather stared me down as Danny did the same thing.

"Gen" I just gave in. "Fine, I don't know what's wrong with me, my body doesn't usually refuse curly fries or any other of my favorite foods," Stiles said. "Yeah I'm also concerned about those markings on your wrist, what are they?" Heather said.

"Look, I don't know they just appeared. I slammed my hand on the wash side and it just appeared out of nowhere and I didn't feel any pain at all" Danny and Heather look at Stiles with concerned looks.

"Stiles maybe we should see your father, he just went to the police station because someone called in a case so maybe we should talk to him about it" Heather suggested. Stiles nodded her head in agreement, she walks towards her mirror and throws her hair in a messy bun.

"Okay," Stiles said.


In this story, Stiles Stilinski is portrayed by Phoebe Tonkin.

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Till next time,

See ya soon,

Sunshine fairy 15💋

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