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Derek's POV

The tension in the air was too much to bear. I watch as the two people beside were staring at the small girl who was having a tense talk with her father about a tattoo?

"Who is she?" I suddenly ask I wanted to know more about that girl. "Her names Stiles Stilinski" I heard the tall boy with a cocked jaw answered me, he reeks of misery and sadness when he said her name. "What's a Stiles?" I heard the blonde beside the cocked jaw boy asked.

"A family nickname name she goes by because she doesn't like it when *sigh* people call by her real name," He said. The boy and girl that came with Stiles went outside to give the two some time.

"You're an alpha?" I asked and look up at the boy with brown hair. "Yea and this your pack, the one you made before you join mine" I nodded at him. "Okay then my name is Erica Reyes," The blonde one said. "Isaac Lahey," The one with curly blonde hair said waving his hands and I wave back.

"Vernon Boyd," The African American male said. "And I'm Scott McCall," The cocked jaw boy said. "So what am I doing here? Where is my mother and family?" I asked them. They, however, didn't answer and look at each other nervously.

"Your family is out of town, gone on a vacation for some time" The blonde as I recall Erica quickly said. Before I could call out her lie, I heavily earth scent filled my nose, my face twitched to the direction of the owner and I saw the door open and Stiles, as I remember walking in the room her face, was a bit red and she looked angry.

She marched over to the desk in front of me and started searching for something on it. She didn't acknowledge us and she looks like she didn't care if we were in the room.

"Stiles?" I heard the alpha Scott called out. "What do you want Scott?" Her voice was cold and distant. "What are you doing here?" That had stopped her from ripping the desk apart.

"Scott, I live and I was raised here in Beacon Hills why did you think I'm back," I noticed that her gloves were off and some strange marks were on her wrist trailing down to her hands.

"You smell weird?" Erica said as she sniffs the air. "Are you saying I stink?" I could have sworn I felt the ground shake and judging by the other faces I got from my 'packmates' I could tell that I wasn't imagining things.

"No, Stiles it's just that...." Scott was interrupted by Stiles. "Found it" In her left marked hand was a bunch of keys held together by a pink steel circle. A soft smile had replaced her frown and she looks relieved that she found it.

"I see you found it" I heard the Sheriff said as he entered the room. "Yes, I hope that's it is in good shape," Stiles said firmly. "Don't worry kiddo I had it repaired so it's brand new and I'll pick it up tomorrow" The sheriff quickly added.

"But I want to..." The sheriff interrupts her. "Stiles you just came back and I had the school noticed that you will be coming back so I want you to go to Mr.Finstock to get your schedule"  Stiles rolled her eyes.

"That's the last face I want to see today" She crossed her arms and sigh. "Fine I'll go but can j have my gloves back I don't want coach to think that I'm in some wanted gang who always tattoo their body," She said coyly and lifted up her hands showing the mark.

Erica had moved from Scott to stand beside and place a hand on my shoulder. "Okay and I want you back by 6 no early and no late, got it?" He said sternly throwing her gloves back to Stiles.

"Yea, bye Dad" She had stood on the tips of her black boots and kissed his left cheek and walk out the door. The Sheriff had sit in the chair in front of me for five minutes.

"Okay back to what I was saying, have you been time traveling if you are I'll have to ask Stiles to drive me to Eichen House" The alpha chuckled and shook his head.

"Then.." He then pointed at me. "What in the good of the world happened to him?" He asked Scott. "We found him like this" Scott said and I look at him confused.

"Where?" He said leaning into them more than me. "Swimming in the fountain of youth?" He whispered yelled at them. "No, we found him buried in a tomb of wolfsbane....in an Aztec temple" Scott rubbed the back of his neck as I stared at him more confused than ever.

"In Mexico underneath a church in the middle of a town that was destroyed by an earthquake" I look at the Sheriff to see that his eyes were narrowed. "Melissa said you were camping," He said. "Yea in Mexico" The sheriff opens his mouth but Scott beat him to it.

"We need to have a pack meeting to discuss this so Erica you Isaac and Boyd take Derek to my house I'm gonna talk to someone we should have gone to before," He told them before walking away.

"You may be my pack but I still don't trust you" Was all I said as I cross my arms and stare out of the window thinking about that Stiles girl.


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Till next time,

See ya soon,

Sunshine fairy 15💋

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