🐾I will miss you🐾

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Third Person POV

Nova gave Stiles some new clothes to put on while she readies the car. Stiles was looking in the mirror for her reflection to not only see a clumsy girl but a beautiful seventeen years old woman. (Outfit up top^^)

After she was done she hurried outside to see her Nana leaning on her car staring off in space. "Nana" Stiles said quietly, she blinked her eyes and look at her granddaughter. "Oh my, Stiles you look like an angel" Her Nana smiled. "Come on dear we don't wanna be late to the airport" She hops into the driver's seat while stiles climb into the passenger seat.

Since the airport was at least an hour away from where she lived, Stiles decides to think about what she does when she gets back home. Obviously, the first she will do is spend time with her dad, a lot of time may she add. Going two years without seeing her father was torture. The only time they see each other face to face was only when they face time each other on their phones and that's not even a good time in her opinion.

Then she wondered how everyone was back at Beacon Hills. She thought about Danny. The boy was just too honest and loyal to everyone. She had missed him since he was there the time when she was leaving Beacon Hills. She remembered how he had cried and begged her not to leave but she didn't have much of a choice.

He must have changed over the past two years now and would have forgotten about her already. Then her mind drifted off to her pack, while her former pack. She wonders how Scott was doing with being a werewolf and all must be exhausting. She then thought about Allison and her family of hunters and thought how she was holding up, come on learning that your family is all werewolf hunters isn't the best thing and that your aunt is dead wasn't making things any easier.

Stiles thought she'll never go back to a formal again after what happened to Lydia on the lacrosse field. She was bitten by a physio werewolf, after all, life must be great for her if she's a werewolf too but then again it won't be if she's dead. And then all of a sudden her thoughts drifted to Derek.

Him and his handsome face, his thick eyebrows that she would usually make fun about, his full green eyes that always make her day go lust green and she curses that killer body of his. He was buff and muscular no doubt about that, he could get any girl that he wants with just one beautiful smile. You see that's the problem because Derek hardly ever smiles and that's why he earned the nicked name she gave him; Sourwolf.

But then all of that came crashing down because of a bad memory; the day they kicked her out of the pack. It was the most dreadful day if her life. She remembered clearly that it was July 11. It was so sudden that she couldn't control her self from crying.

Shaking her head, Stiles closed her eyes and let a small tear run down her rosy cheeks. Yea she'll never forgive them about what they did but Stiles started to feel this eager to be close to Derek all the time.

"Stiles, honey we are here" I look out the car window to see the airport. I sigh and climb out of the car. We walk in my hands were intertwine with my Nana's so I could be close to her as possible. "I'm gonna miss you sweetheart" A teardrop from my eye but my Nana wipes it away.

"Don't cry we'll see each other in two months, okay?" I look up at her and smile. "Yea" I heard my flight being and I had two minutes to get in the plane. Nana walked me to the lane and give me one last hug.

"I'm gonna miss you little vixen" I hug her back tightly before we pull away. "I won't forget you," I told her. "Of course you won't" She open my left palm and place something cold in it before kissing my forehead. "Be safe" I kiss her cheeks and wave goodbye.

I walk in the plane and took a sit on the left side of the plane where my ticket said I should sit. I open my left palm to see a necklace, it was gold with beautiful diamonds that had vixen engrave in it. Beside the necklace was a picture, I look closer to see a picture of my mother smiling back at me with her white teeth and smiling eyes.

I look out the window to see my grandma wave goodbye at me. I wave her goodbye as well and put on the necklace. I put the picture of my Mom close to my chest. "Flight to Beacon Hills, California is to set off now" I head the intern I look down on my necklace and thought.

"Be prepared because I'm coming back, bitches"


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Till next time,

See ya soon,

Sunshine fairy 15💋

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