🐾 Bloody Hell🐾

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Heather's POV

I could hear Gen's boots clicking against the floor as she exits the police station. Danny and I had waited outside so she can talk to her father.

Stiles was fixing her gloves as she walks out the building her face was a bit red and she looked angry.

"Something wrong?" I questioned as I tiled my head to the side. "No, it's nothing," She said as she tried to smile at me. "You don't have to force a smile for me to see Gen" She shook her head before climbing in the backseat of Danny's car.

"Maybe when she cools down she'll tell us what's wrong," Danny said as he placed a hand on my shoulder. "Yeah" I climb in the passenger seat to see Stiles looking out of the window with a pissed off look on her face.

"Can we go to the school? I have to get something and it might take a while" She didn't look at us as she made the requests. "Yeah we can, I assume you want to get your schedule?" I look in the car mirror to see her nod her head before looking out the window.

Her golden-brown eyes were staring intensely out the car window. No one needs a rock scientist to know something went wrong while we were gone from the station.

It only took us ten minutes to reach the school and during those ten minutes Stiles was only staring out the window and I find that odd. The Stiles I know would talk my ears off talking about random stuff it was both annoying and fun to listen to my childhood friend rambling on and on about different things.

For some reason, I don't like this new Stiles. She's quiet and less sarcastic then every. I sigh and look out the window to see that Danny was parking in the school parking lot. I look back at Stiles to see her staring at the field where the forest was I notice a glimpse of emerald in her eyes but as soon as I saw it, it vanished.

I silently gasp as I quickly look at the windshield wiper when I saw Stiles turn her head. No, it can't be! No! Not right now! God my Mom and the sheriff are gonna kill me.

"Feather, are you okay?" Her voice it's changed a little bit, it's like an angel was whispering to me in a sweet and innocent yet seductive voice. "Y..yea I'm fine let's get your schedule" Danny gave me a questioning look but I quickly hop out of the car and stand at the side waiting for them.

They both got out of the car and we all walk in the school. Since it was Sunday the school was almost empty.  I found it funny when Stiles says she 'didn't remember the way to Coach's office' so we have to lead her to it.

"I was wondering how long...." The coach was going to say something else but he kept his mouth shut and was just starting at Stiles in a creep way. "Hello to you too Coach," Stiles said but I could tell she was confused by Coach's action too.

"Umm, I.. I mean the school has seen you for two years, Stiles, where have you been?" Coach asked and I could have sworn I saw a spark of lust in his eyes. I narrowed my eyes at him and by the way, I saw Danny stepped in front of Stiles I could tell he did too.

"Stiles is just here to get her schedule," He said in a firm voice while half glaring and half staring at him. "Yeah, your father told me to get them ready for you but since you haven't been to here for a while you have to re-do over your medical" I grip Stiles hand in mine as he finished his sentence.

"Yeah, it's still early so I can get it done" Coach stood from his stair and work around his desk and made a 'follow me' gesture with his hand. "Follow me to the nurse office," He said and walk out his office.


When Stiles had managed to finish her medical it was sundown and close to six o clock.
Well, not mine or Danny's fault. I forget to mention to the nurse that Stiles is afraid of needless and well it was hell from there.

As soon as Stiles saw the needle the nurse was holding all hell broke loose. At first, she started to squirming and then she started flinching but when the nurse was close to injecting her with the needle, Stiles screamed. She screamed and trash out everywhere.

Danny and I had to hold her down but all of a sudden the wind was blowing so hard that it somehow blew me away. My back had it the wall hard but nothing was broken. Thank God that Danny played Lacrosse but then again Stiles use to but she isn't nearly as strong as Danny.

The wind was still blowing hard so the Nurse had to close the window and Stiles was still screaming and trying to get away from Danny and the needle hmm maybe both.

I quickly walk up to Danny and helped him get Stiles to stay down on the chair but I could have sworn I felt the earth shook underneath me. Damn! The sheriff is really gonna kill me. We somehow managed to inject Stiles as she had passed out from all the exhaustion and screaming.

The nurse was able to finish her medical and finished getting her medical file ready for school. I went to Coach for her schedule and he must have heard the screaming so be asked me if she was okay. I gave him a nod and walk off but before I did I bought two candy to give to Stiles when she wakes up.

"I'm sorry" I chuckled and look down at my childhood friend who was pulling with the candy wrapper on her fingers with a  guilty expression on her face.

"You don't have to apologise," Danny said as he leads us out of the field. Everyone was gone by now but Stiles said she wanted to stay behind for a while. "Yeah, but I could have told you that I was still afraid of needless" She had forgotten about the candy wrapper and started playing with the bandage that later around her small injected hole.

"Again wasn't your fault Gen" I could see that Stiles was ready to protest but she was cut off by a growl. "Is it just me or did that sound too close for comfort?" And there it is again, someone growled we all turn around and look up to see a giant thing I don't know it looks like to be made from bones and well bones.

We all started to back away as fast as we can as the bone making thing walk closer to us. "Danny get Stiles out of here" I grab her hand and hold it out for Danny to take it. "But..." I quickly shove Stiles in his arms and push them behind me.



Yep, next chapter shit is about to be revealed so stay tuned!

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Till next time,

See ya soon,

Sunshine fairy 15💋

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