Greed and Wrath Arc

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Gallerian Marlon is the son of a Marlon noble, Gandalf Marlon, and Elluka "Ma" Clockworker. Elluka was to be executed in Witch trials, and Gallerian was raised by his father having his Mother believed to be dead, tried unjustly. Throughout his life, he was followed by a bat, unknown to him, it was Sickle the sun God. Gallerian was accepted into university and trained as a judge. His first accused was a woman called Kayo Sudou, who he recalled to be identical to his mother, who she asked to be called Ma. After the trial, he met a man, Bruno Zero who would become a close friend to him. After Gallerian was shot by someone meant to be a friend of his, he awoke in Lunaca Labora and met Shiro Netsuma, the one who had saved him, along with others, before joining Pere Noel and becoming First, Santa Clause. Soon after, he met his future wife, Mira Marlon. They soon were married and Mira became pregnant. Their daughter was born and they named her Michelle, Ma secretly ejecting Eves soul into the girl. The marriage didn't go well, and soon, Gallerian and Ma began an affair.

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Ma disappeared after half a year, and unknown to Gallerian, she gave birth to his daughter, Nemesis, who would later join Pere Noel, under the code name Number 8. Nemesis was raised in Hansel and Gretel's old house in the Millennium forest. She had been born, then Ma ejected Levia's souls from inside herself, and put it into Nemesis. Ma regularly left Nemesis, under the so-called 'care' of an acquaintance of hers. Nemesis was unwittingly contracted to Seth, at Gumillia's request, in a shapeshifted Vessel, in the shape of a Ziz Tiama, that she was led to believe was a gift from Ma. Gumillia had sensed Levias reincarnation and sent Seth to keep an eye on her.

When Ma returned, Mira and Michelle left on a trip, Michelle recounting how Ma had not changed in the 14 years since she left. Once they left on the trip, Ma asked if Gallerian would help her put on a movie adaption of the Yukina Freezis tale, The Daughter of Evil. Gallerian refused, with the costs, and Ma left, for Gallerian to be informed that Michelle and Mira had been killed when a Ziz Tiama, a giant octopus who was in reality, Seth, under orders from a grown up Nemesis, whom he was contracted to, attacked their ship and sank it.

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Going into a slump, Gallerian became depressed until Ma showed up, with the spoon of greed. She told him that he should make a contract with Adam Moonlit inside the vessel since the demon was not there, but absorbed by Ma. If so, he'd be able to speak to the clockwork doll she also gave him. Ma had let Irina's soul out of her body and was letting Irina act as the doll, possessing it. Ma convinced Gallerian that Michelle was inside the doll and he could talk with her as long as he had the spoon with him. Ma did similar to Adam, leading him to believe that Eve was still inside the doll. She also told Gallerian that if he gathered all the vessels, he could have a wish, one he would be able to use to bring Michelle back. Gallerian became greedy, taking unlawful payments to state his accused as innocent. These charges were used to fund "Michelles" care and fund his search for the vessels. With this, he managed to obtain other vessels; the 4 mirrors, twin blades, the venom sword, and red glass. After Conchita's soldiers came to get back the glass, the demon told Gallerian to avoid Ma, that she was not to be allowed near the glass or any of the vessels. He agreed, and later constructed Evils Theatre to house the vessels and keep them safe despite hating the distance he would have from his "daughter".

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Gallerian had a dream that he was being judged in hell, by a familiar face, Master of the Hellish Yard. She was willing to send him to heaven if he gave back all the money he had unlawfully stolen, to which he refused. He awoke, to Bruno telling him that Evils Theatre had been completed and all vessels were safely inside. Bruno also told him that Pere Noel's fugitive Nyoze Octo had been located, hiding with his lover who turned out to be Nemesis. She, as Number 8 was sent to kill them. When Gallerians corruption was exposed to the public, the conflict became a full out civil war. Everyone abandoned him, and after a while, he found himself alone, except for an identical man, Adam Moonlit. They chatted for a while, until Adam mocked him, saying that all of his efforts were for nothing, that it was Eve, not Michelle in the doll. He summoned the doll from the theatre so she could tell them herself. Except, the doll defended Gallerian by burning soldiers outside with a blue fire. In Adam's anger at realizing he'd been tricked, that the doll wasn't Eve, he told Gallerian that Ma had hidden something from him. When Adam left, Gallerian saw Sickle in the sky and questioned what had been hidden from him. Then, Nemesis appeared. She confronted him, before shooting him when he refused to pay back all the money.

Nemesis had fallen in love with Nyozo Octo, after living in the same house with him. When they were discovered, before Nemesis was forced to kill him, he proposed to her, after which she shot herself, but couldn't die due to the demonic contract she had. Seth had revealed himself to her in his real form and after getting annoyed that he manipulated her onto the contract, he offered her the chance to use Grim the End to die or use its Golden bullets to kill those she hated, something she decided on, aiming to destroy her father Gallerian, and all of Pere Noel.

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