Chapter 4: Hunger Games

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Ok, quick author's note. This will take place after the first Hunger games book, before all the depressing stuff happens. Anyways, on with the story!

Katniss POV
I grip Peeta's hand tightly, and I don't even notice the flash of cameras trying to capture the ' star crossed lovers of district 12'. All I can think about is going home and seeing my mother and Prim, and Gale.

Then I notice the fog. It's a purplish greenish color, with what almost looks like lightning in it. And if you look very closely, you can almost see the silloettes of a people in it. Two older, two younger. It's a while aways, but not far away enough not to be concerned about it.

"Peeta!" I whisper to him and squeeze his hand a little tighter. "What is it?" He whispers back, and I nod my head in the direction of the fog. "Are there people in there?" He asks. "I think so" I reply.

A high pitched scream breaks through the chatter of the Capitol and the clicks of cameras.

Prim's screams.

I burst into a run, Peeta right behind me, struggling to keep up, one of his legs not bending properly.

"Prim!!" I scream. "Prim!

Then I hear my mother. The fog is in 12, it is taking my family.

It's just another part of the games I tell myself. We never got out, we're still in, Prim and my mother are fine

I try to believe this, but I know it's not true.

That's when Peeta trips.

I look over my shoulder at him. I have to help him. I run back but it is too late. The fog has swallowed him in it's smokey tendrils. "Peeta!" I shriek and the fog hits me from behind. I can't see anything at first, but as my eyes adjust, I can see Peeta. I run over to him and help him up. "Who are you!" A woman shouts from about a yard away. She must have been one of the silloettes.

"I'm Katniss Everdeen, one of the tributes of district 12. I won the games." I shout to her. " Tributes? Games? Districts?" The woman sound confused. "You don't know?" Peeta asks her. "Who are you?" I say. "I'm Lily Potter" She shouts. "And I have no idea what you're talking about." "Lily flower?" A man's voice. "Who are you talking to?" He asks. "Someone named Katniss." She replies. "Oh" he says.

Another voice, louder, says "Katniss?"


"Prim! You're alright!" I engulf her in a hug. "Where's mom?" I ask. "She's not here." She sounds worried. "She was there when I fell in" Very worried. "Prim I'm sure-" I'm cut off.

The fog has turned into a tornado and we are spinning at top speed and my head clunks against something.

Then, nothing.

Sorry this chapter was so short and so bad. It's been a while since I've updated, and I wanted to give you something. Thank you all so much for reading, have a wonderful day noon morning and night.

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