Chapter thrity six: is marrige on the cards

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As soon as finnly got in to his office his phone ran he rolled his eyes "father what do you need to talk about" he said sitting down "ah finnly you would have loved the look on Taylor's face yesterday when the doctors said I'm fit to take back over" he laughed his head off finally let out a laugh and rolled his eyes

"that's what you had to tell me" he sighed "no no of course not that's just extra" he said seriously

"it's about the meeting it's happening in Spain we told them that's what we wanted so Yeah were gonna be here tomorrow night" he said "whos we who coming" said finnly

"well the most important people are me you and of course now we have new members I have heard about Camila and heather of course Camila is not old enough but heather will have to come if she wants to be with Quin" Kane replied

"1yeah of course who else" he asked "your mother uncle harry rons dad and mom auntie Chloe my sister my brother uncle Steve and his wife jenny quins parents and unfortunately Taylor and her husband zane Mel and Marvin blonde your mothers parents and nelly and vivn snake my parents" he explained

" I thick that's about everyone" he laughed "wow a lot of people at least I'll have heather" finnly said rolling his eyes "it's a bit step son I know" Kane said "but anyway I have brought a houce as we're not all gonna fit in that apartment of yours so I'll send you the address i want you to leave and be there by tonight and make sure everything is there for everyone ,id pay someone but I figure you have it" Kane smiled through the phone

"yes dad I know what your doing here for me is a lot I'm just wondering if you know about Camila and heather, what else do you know about" he asked

"I know that you have a girlfriend I'm not sure of her name and I know riches girlfriend broke up with him" he said awkwardly

"yeah I still have to tell my girlfriend about the gang but I'm gonna do it and I'm gonna ask her to marry me" finnly said

"finnly if you tell her about the gang and she takes it the wrong way you know what we will have to do to her" said Kane finnly rolled his eyes

"yeah dad I know you will have to kill her but she won't take it the wrong way she loves me and I love her"finnly said

"It would be so much easier if you had fell for someone who knew about the gang" he sighed

"but I was the same turns out she was in a gang and we had to put the gangs together or we couldn't be together" sighed Kane

"I've never heard that story of you and mom" said finnly "yeah I'm just warning you be careful" he said "I cannot believe in three days I'll be the leader of the gang" said finnly

"You will be a great leader" Kane said "

finnly I have to say my brother Steve before he met jenny was in love with a girl called Stacey and when she found out about the gang she asked to think about it in the other room she called the police but before she said anything steave came in with a gun he told her to end the call saying noting was wrong she did it out of fear of dying not out of love and Steve was crying and crying so much and she was begging and begging him not to kill her but he shot her in her head" Kane said sniffing

finnly shook his head "I couldn't kill her dad why did he kill her" asked finnly

"he had to it was her or family you wouldn't be born because I wouldn't have met your mom because I would be in jail" he said

"I know dad but I can't kill her even if I had to" finnly said " some one would have to kill her then"Kane said "I know dad but me and the boys -we gotta get ready nice talking to you bye" he said hanging up the phone he breathed in

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