Chapter thirty nine :the meeting

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It's was the day of the meeting and the day shonna will be boss of golden crosses

"Shona it's 3:00 what do you want" said Colton "dad it's the day of the meeting Your last day of being boss my birthday" she wispered

"oh okay okay we need to put the house alarm on to wake everyone up" he said "what's the password" she asked "it's black of course, the pad is next to the front door" he said shonna ran down the stairs and put the password in the pad suddenly all the windows and doors locked and a loud alarm played beeping rapidly every body in the house woke up and ran  down stairs and Colton followed calmly behind shonna counted the people and then turned it off

"why would you do that" shouted haze "same reason as you" she said "what" he shouted shonna rolled her eyes "it's three in the morning" said Megan "i know so go get dressed and go and get washed and ready so we can leave and I can be the leader and I can meet these idiots" smilind shonna

"you shouldt have used the pad to wake us up" said dixy "it's an alarm we thought something was wrong" said Dominic

"I told her to use it mom dad calm down" said clolten "you heard the girl go get ready" said Emily shonna smiled at her

in about 2 hours everyone was ready

"shonna we are just waiting for April"said Megan "oh for goodness sake" she rolled her eyes "shonna the limo just got here we can go get in" said Colton she sighed

"everyone can go get it apart from mom dad and grandma and grandpa black" she said reaching to open the door but the man got there first

"oh um thank you" she smiled everyone walked out "mom can you go find your sister please" she pointed to the stairs "dad can you watch every make sure every is going smoothly me and you are in the front" she smiled "I love you your doing great" he wispered in her ear as he walked past shonna walked up to her grandparents

"have you to got the location"wsipered shonna "it was sent through five minutes ago we have agreed to meet at the st Spanish conference room" wispered dixy "okay go and tell the driver grandma" she said Megan came out from the hall pulling April by her ear "MUM" shonna shouted

"let's just go"said April shuving Megan away from her she ran down the stairs and put the door

"mum gramps let's go" said shonna and every one left the driver drove them to the saint Spanish building where they all got out "now everybody put on your masks and make sure your guns are loaded" shonna said pulling down her own mask and walking in to the dark building

"can we all remember the coad words we came up with in the meeting" Colton asked "yes of course" said Every one they walked in to the room full of tables and chairs in a pattern "looks like we're first here" said Dominic Megan walked up to shonna

"the next boss sits in them two chairs in the middle the other one is for the boy the next leader" she said "it's been a long time since we had a girl leader on our side" said April

"we haven't had one since I was the leader" said dixy shona smiled every one took there places and in a few moments the other gang came in to the room they stood at the door for a bit there masks looked terrifying the golden crosses were just black and purple they soon filled the room sitting down and the boy came and sat down next to shonna he looked her up and down and she did the same to him

Shonnas pov

There was something so familiar about this boy at first I'd say it was probably his sent he smelt as someone but I couldn't put my finger on it then his body shape it looked like another boys a very fit one but who was it they way he moved was familiar to it was like he was protecting someone that wasn't there or like he was protecting him self and last of all it was his dress sence everyone here was dressed smartly

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