Sleepy & Needy (2)

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This oneshot can be read on its own but if you want some background info, check out "Sleepy & Needy" (the first one!)

Older!Varian x reader


One thing most didn't know about you was that you loved to write. Sure, you loved reading, but writing was a whole other indescribable  experience. You loved writing stories and reading them to Varian. He loved it too. Princess Rapunzel also quite enjoyed your work.

You were currently writing a story about a girl with a magic book that allowed her to travel to whatever fictional universe she wished and you were in the middle of writing a thrilling part of the story. All these good ideas were popping up in your mind so suddenly, you had to get them down on paper as soon as possible.


Aaaand your idea streak shattered.

You glared in the direction of the noise but relaxed when you saw it was just Varian who had entered. Your gaze softened when you noticed the dark circles under his eyes and how messy his hair looked. You knew he had been working incredibly hard lately and it appeared he wasn't sleeping either. He had a tendency to do that when he started to get stressed about deadlines and it worried you to pieces.

"Varian? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be down in your lab finishing that thing for the princess?"

"Uh-ha...well you see," he paused to yawn, "I might've stayed up all night and finished it just now."

"Varian!!" You scolded. He gave a sheepish smile and shrugged. You put down your quill and turn to face him fully.

"Why would you do that to yourself? The princess gave you until tonight to finish it! You still have more than ten hours!"

"Yes, but I have this, um, other project I've been wanting to work on... so I was gonna start it," he yawned again, "now. Before the princess gives me my next assignment. But I'm too exhausted..."

You facepalmed.

You sighed before picking up your quill and turning back to your paper, hoping you'd find your train of thought again.

"Go to sleep, Varian. You really need to rest," you told him without looking up.

Not even a second later, you felt two arms wrap around your chest and pull you back into a warm body. Varian hugged you close and placed his chin on the top of your head. He frowned as his eyelids fell shut.

".....Can you come with me?"

"I would but I'm in the middle of writing."

"Pleeease, sweetheart. Please come with me."

"But I'm getting so many good ideas right now! And if I don't write them down now, I'll forget everything!" you whined while squirming in Varian's grip. He refused to let you go so you stopped and sat still. He sighed, then placed a kiss to the top of your head.

"I'm just so tired right now and I always sleep better when you're there beside me," he spoke softly into your hair. You bit your lip, feeling conflicted. You really wanted to finish writing but you also wanted your hard working boyfriend to get the sleep he deserved.

"Okay," you said.


"But not for too long. I really want to get back to writing today before I get busy with chores."

You didn't have to look back to know that he had the biggest smile on his face. He leaned forward and placed a kiss on your temple, then released you and stood up. You stood as well and turned to face him. Varian immediately grabbed your hand and pulled you along to his bed for cuddles and sleep.


"Varian..?" you whispered, not too loud to wake him, but also not too quiet so he wouldn't hear.

"Var... are you awake?"

No response. You grinned and untangled yourself from his arms to escape his bed as slowly and quietly as possible so you didn't disturb him. Now that he was asleep, you could continue writing your story.

You tiptoed out of the room and made your way back to your desk in your own bedroom. You plopped down on your stool, picked up the quill and began to get back on your creative streak of ideas, scribbling down everything that came to mind.

Not even ten minutes later, you heard the door open behind you and a groan coming from an all too familiar voice. You turned around and nearly melted at the sight of your boyfriend rubbing his tired eyes like a little kid.

He yawned, then looked at you with an expression full of sadness and utmost betrayal.

You," he pointed an accusing finger, "I woke up and you weren't there! You left me!" he whined on the verge of tears.

Your heart nearly broke.

You were flushed with guilt as you recalled Varian's fear of being left alone. Especially by the ones he loved most. How could you forget? Ever since the incident with the black rocks, he hated being left alone. He said it filled him with this terrible, dark feeling of dread and despair. He hated what he did. He felt like he would never hear the end of it, thanks to his own fear.

You immediately stood up and opened your arms.

"C'mere, baby."

He slowly trudged his way into your arms and leaned down to rest his forehead on your shoulder. You cradled his head in your arms and held him close, kissing the side of his hair every few seconds.

"I'm sorry I left you. Can you really not sleep well at all without me?"

You felt him shake his head.

You sighed and bit your lip. You let go of him and reached for his hands instead. He looked up at the feeling of you squeezing his hands in your own. You wanted to scream at the way his sad eyes bore into your own. You felt terrible for leaving him.

"How about we go back to bed? I won't get up this time, okay? My writing can wait," you spoke softly and smiled up at him.

He shook his head and averted his gaze. "No, no, you can keep writing. I'll quit bothering you and sleep by myself. I understand that you want to work on what you love doing right now," he gave you a small smile.

Your eyebrows furrowed and you let out a small chuckle.

"Yes, I do love writing, but I love you more. And I wouldn't be able to write now, knowing that my baby was suffering alone in the next room."

He didn't say anything, only grinned and shut his eyes as he pulled you into a warm embrace. You wrapped your arms around his waist while he wrapped one arm around your upper back, his other hand on the back of your head, holding you close.

You two stayed like that for a little longer than a few moments before releasing each other.

"Come on. Let's get some sleep before I get my chores for the day."

Varian nodded, picked you up bridal style,  and carried you away.

Varian x Reader Oneshots!Where stories live. Discover now