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Couldn't you see;
The way her face lit up,
The way her eyes sparkled,
When all there in her world was you.

She'd drowned in your eyes long ago,
She's still trying get to the shore,
But if asked what she wanted most;
It wouldn't be a life boat,
It would be you,
And to foolishly loose herself again
In your eyes of gold.

Do you even know how much it pains her,
That you once were her shelter;
And now she can't even look at you,
And not see hurt.

She hopes she could talk to you
Like it used to be
Before the chaos,
Back when she saw in you,
Her eternity.

You saw her cry, 
Yet you had the audacity to ask "why",
You saw her break,
And yet you disappeared like the stars on a daybreak .

Because it was you ,
It had been you all along
And she couldn't fake it even she wanted to,
Her love ran deeper than the thorns
That she carried in her heart.

The flowers lay wilted in her chest,
Her eyes reminiscent of melted sun rays,
Her mind scrambling for pieces of you in every place,
Of days gone by,
Of words left unsaid.

You could see it in her eyes,
She loved you more than the stars in the sky
Her palms cradled her tears,
For you left her in the midst of her fears
And instead of leading her out of the dark,
You questioned why she's bleeding out of her heart.

And you'll be thinking what she did wrong,
Because you were perfect, weren't you?
With your demeanor so strong
You treated her right,
Called once a week,
Only because your mornings were bleak.
You gave her enough time out of your schedule,
Why would anyone want more?
Sweet boy, it'll take falling in love to the depth of an ocean,
To make you realize
You were at fault all along.

And she loves you still,
Believe me she does
And she'd take you back in a heartbeat
But she's learning to love herself first.

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