Being Kidnapped!

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The sun is shining the birds are singing nothing could go wrong today... or could it. A kunai swished by as distant clangs of metal collide against each other. A young girl appearing to be possibly 11 years old layed against a tree attempting to get rest before setting off again. It's a harsh life to live with dangers around almost every corner and with no one to watch your back it was a certain death.
As the girl rested her eyes a bush nearby rustled. The sudden noise caught her off guard in result she leaped to her feet. Flicking out a kunai she neared the bush cautiously.
The bush rustled once again which made her clutch her kunai tighter.

Popping out of the bushes was a f/c strange looking puppy.

'A puppy?'

The pup wagged it's tail in confusion at the new person. Hesitating for second the girl retreats to the tree she was resting at only for the puppy to follow.
"Your following me." She pointed out.
The puppy stares at her as it sits down.

Every minute it inches closer to her.

'What's it doing?'

Eventually the dog found itself in her lap.
'How did this happen?' The girl thought to herself.
'You know it would be nice to have some company but I can't take a liability.'

Debating on keeping the animal Y/n slowly convinced herself.
"If I'm going to keep you dog you must not weigh me down." Y/n turned it's attention to her.
"If you want to become my companion you must follow me and defend yourself." As if it understood the pup barked happily as if it was agreeing.

"I'll take that as a yes then. Welcome new friend."

Time skip~
As the days go by y/n and p/n formed a strong relationship they were almost inseparable. They had each other's back one could say they were loyal dogs for each other. However, because of a sudden change in path that could change.

For as long as she could remember there was never a moment where she could ever call a place home. It just never sat right with her. Since she was four y/n had already explored more than a quarter of the nations yet none seemed to fit her taste. It would never compare to her old home. However, all those nations she traveled do not leave her empty. In return she learned things.. cultures, skills, and even made acquaintances and foes. All those either made it easier or hell to survive in this world and she wasn't planning on settling down anytime soon. Not yet until she could find a home to keep and revenge to fulfill.

Sighing in slight tiredness y/n thought back to her most recent travel.
'Man.. that last village was such a drag.. I could barely stay a second in it. Troublesome people.'

Staring was a normal occurrence in y/n's daily life it most recently started when she was nine years old. She would often get stares and a few questionable remarks by people from different villages. This village was no exception.

As she walked further into the village stares only seemed to increase which soon turned into whispers.

'Tch... don't these people have anything better to do in their lives... weirdos.' Attempting to block out the noise Y/n drowned out their whispers as she listened to p/n's snores.

Her walk was nice and peaceful until it was then ruined by stupid and naive young teens. They walked up to her their faces holding a stupid overconfident look as they tried to woo her.
"Aye sweet cheeks~ How about me and my boys buy you a drink? A cute girl like you shouldn't walk these streets alone or you'll attract unwanted attention~"he said with a cocky smirk.

Y/n stared blankly at them before responding.
"No thanks." She declines ,walking away from the teens when she was suddenly pulled back.

"I'm not going to take no as an answer!" One of them shouted. They were all the same when shot down they became aggressive ,however most like to hide it behind a facade.

'Another one of these guys..' Sighing internally y/n yanked her hand out of the teens grasp. She then kicked his legs from underneath him and flipped him over leaving him in an embarrassing yet painful position.

"Ow! What was that for?!" The teen yelled.

All the ruckus woke p/n up from her slumber. P/n seeing the boy on the floor and y/n with an irritated look on her face drew her to do what she always does. Consequently one thing led to another which was also followed by a scream.

P/n had munched on the boys tush

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P/n had munched on the boys tush.

"P/n spit that filth out." Y/n ordered. Complying she let go of the boy and ran back to y/n.

The teens along with the boy backed up as she pushed past them. Looking back she eyed them with a cold look which sent shivers down their spines.
"I'd suggest for you not to try that again."
With that she left.

Roughly an half an hour passed and y/n could feel the incoming stares filled with such emotional attachment. It was about ready for her to set off once again. In and out was her motto when entering a foreign village. Most were usually clingy as heck some would even force her to stay ,but they all turned out the same way..

Sad and depressed ,I guess that would make y/n a heart breaker for many.

As she walked down to the gates she soon started sprinting with p/n close behind. She guessed this village was one of the clingy ones.
"Please stay we'll treat you like a goddess!" Some of villagers screamed.

Y/n sweat dropped and dashed out the village.
'Gotta go fast!'
Flashback end

'Now I know which village to never return to. Hopefully the next village won't be as bad.'

As y/n and p/n ventured through the forest they didn't realize that they were nearing by the land of fire. A powerful nation filled with strong shinobi. It would not be long until she's found.. and it wasn't.
When something is wrong most of the time you have that weird gut feeling in your stomach, Y/n was starting to get that feeling. There was something wrong and P/n sensed it as well. P/n growled at the sudden change in atmosphere. There was an eerie silence that was soon then broken by a dart as it shot out and pierced p/n causing her to whimper and pass out.

'P/n!' Y/n screamed internally in shock and worry. She tried to reach her when suddenly a bunch of Anbu jump out and surround her catching her off guard.
'What!? I didn't even sense them!' Y/n thought in shock.
Not long after the anbu jump at her. While she did manage to take a few down she didn't realize one of the anbu come up from behind her. The Anbu hits a pressure point knocking her unconscious. However, before falling in a sleep of darkness the last thing she manages to see is a familiar leaf symbol.
' Leaf ninja...'

Whew 3 chapters in one day I'm on a roll I'll come back to edit these chapter maybe another day. Don't worry y/n will meet naruto very soon. Any ways hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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