ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 13

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Jungkook pov:

It's been awhile from the attack but I'm still on edge. My girlfriend has settled down from all the drama but I can't seem to get it out of my head. I know I'm the one who kidnapped her so this is a little ironic but I feel bad for dragging her into this world. Mark was a good friend for a very long time and I would've never imagined myself ever shooting him but that's what I did. He is alive and a living memory of what I can do to protect y/n.

The security has been increased as I'm not taking any chances. She is what I live for now and In a few years I'll make her take my name...

Fast forward:

Y/n pov:

University will be the death of me I swear! I can't believe I begged for over a year for this...I don't like this. I have to stay away from him for 3 hours! Yes it's only 3 hours cause he always comes to meet me and check up on me. I mean he's so clingy you would never guess he ran a gang. I'm so lucky as I'm the only one who gets to see him like this, everyone else it's all orders or shouting. He's such a baby but only for me.

Finally after the day at uni I got home...well after the full on escort from campus to here. Jungkook doesn't take any chances over me getting hurt. What i dont like however is that he has so many rules like: no skirts I haven't checked the length of, no talking to boys other than the guys. I mean I'm 20! *mental sigh* he's lucky I love him.

Recently it's been pretty quiet. I get left in the house while they go on missions but today is different...he didn't even call? Normally he would call if he was going out. I saw him at school but he didn't mention anything? Is he ok?

Around five hours passed and still noting till hoseok ran through the door.

"Y/n come quick Jungkook he he...he I can't explain just follow me!"

I didn't care about his little explanation and ran out the door with him. We got in a car and drove of into the night. It was a long journey but soon we got to something Hoseok called a "safe house". Undoing my seatbelt, I ran into the house.

So many men were filling the living room. I noticed Jimin and ran to him. He looked at me and smiled...but it looked sad?

I saw Jungkook who was talking to loads of tall guys with guns who I don't know. I waited for him to finish before lightly calling out.


"Ah princess!"
He turned to face me before hugging me tightly.

"Why are all these people here?"
I asked again looking round the room. He sighed sadly...something was wrong.

"There here for you princess...someone's arranged a attack on you and they...well they killed your dad."

My heart stopped...yes he was an awful dad but still he was my dad.

"T-theres an attack on me?"

"Yes princess, I promised to protect you and I will so don't worry! I love you ok."

I trust Jungkook wholeheartedly but...am I safe?

Y/n pov:

It's hectic here! Everyone's always got there eyes on me but I barely see my boyfriend...I miss my kookie. I only saw him at breakfast for five minutes cause he had to go to a meeting with the rest of his main men. Oh if your confused that's his friends I went to Jeju Island with but the others are just his "men" you know what i give up. Even I don't get why there are so many different levels of "men" in a gang.

The boys are still in the meeting it's been five hours...they must know something? I'm so curious because all I know is that yoongi said he got a tip from an ally about the attack on me. Annoyingly even though it's about me I can't even be in the room, hmph. Finally the boys left the room.

I immediately ran up to Jungkook and gave him a big hug. He looked at me with a smile but it wasn't sad like jimins had been before it was...questioning?

They all sat down on the sofas in the front room whilst all the men with guns stood around them. I stood awkwardly till Jungkook called me over.

"Princess come here, sit on my lap"

Yup cause that didn't make anything more awkward. All the eyes In the room followed my movements till I sat on his lap. They kept looking but one displeased glance from Jungkook stopped all of that. Jungkook looked at all the guys before speaking.

"Is this definitely the best way?"

All the boys nodded and some spoke out in agreement. I looked at them all confused but soon confusion turned to shock.

"Y/n we're going to let them kidnap you."

He cut me off quickly.

"Let me explain...so we're going to let whoever it is think they've kidnapped you but actually we will be in a car near you the whole time. Namjoon has prepared a tracker inside a button which will be attached onto you so if we loose sight of you we can find you easily."

Was all I could respond till my thoughts started to come back.

"Is this the best way? Will I be safe?"

"Princess I promised to keep you safe so yes this is the best option..now I guess it's time to get you ready."

I nodded and headed off with namjoon to get the button attached where it wouldn't be visible.

Author pov:

After  a car journey to where yoongi was told was the kidnappers supposed location. A long kiss, hug as well as goodbyes before
Y/n got out of the car where Jungkook and  his friends were  and started to walk around in the cold night. Twenty minutes went by and no sign of the kidnapper...until they popped up behind her. Jungkook watched as she was dragged to a black van and was praying everything would go to plan. Jungkooks eyes where glued to the person especially as he noticed them remove there mask.

Something he didn't plan for was that the kidnapper was his...dad.

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