ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 18

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Y/n pov:

It's official he's gone crazy! We went in a helicopter to-where our holiday was? Wasn't I almost shot here? He better have a good reason for bringing me here...

Looking around the Jeju island resort it looks just as beautiful as it did a few days back if not more so. When we landed I saw all Jungkooks men and seemingly there family? walking around the resort. Why where they here? Scrap that why are we here?

Jungkook and everyone else started to head down to the beach so on natural instinct I grabbed his hand walking there with him, giving me the chance to ask:

"Jungkook why are we here?"
I asked, using his name since a lot of people who were unknown to me were waking around near us...I never thought saying his name would feel so weird? How times change hehe, I chuckled to myself thinking of how hesitant I was to call him daddy in the begging but now it's completely natural.

"You'll find out very soon don't worry"
Jungkook replied.

As we reached the beach I noticed two long tables covered with food and a shelter covering all of it decorated with, vines, flowers and twinkling lights. It was like a page torn out of a fairy tale...it's so perfect.

I looked at him with a smile not knowing that soon that smile would be decorated with tears.

"Kookie what's going on?"

That's when he got down on one knee...this isn't happening?!

"Princess I've been wanting to ask you something?"

Everyone was looking at us..if I'm dreaming...

"Which is?"
I looked at him confused and he smiled.

"Princess it's been a while since we've known each other and I've known you even longer."
Jungkook said making his close friends laugh.

"You changed me. Before you accepted me into your life even under weird circumstances you made me whole. I was broken from my past but you fixed me. I'm no Prince Charming and that's for sure but I have proven to you that I can protect you, and since it feels like a good time and well no time like the present, here goes...

Will you marry me?"

Y/n pov:


Everyone went quiet as they weren't expecting this response. Jungkooks face looked sad, perfect he was being sincere..

"Yes dummy of course I'll marry you."
I smiled at him.

"B-but you said-"
I cut him off.

"I had to know you were being sincere and the look of disappointment on your face tells me you are. My kookie I love you and yes I do know you will protect me. As you said we did meet under well on my part not the most ideal circumstances but still we met and my life changed. I want to be with you for the rest of my life"
I said with a pause at the end leaning in to whisper since others where around.

I whispered and he smiled a wide grin.

"Then it's settled. We are getting married in an hour so you'd better get ready but first.."

"An hour?!"
I asked but his reply was slipping on the most gorgeous ring which sparkled in the sunlight.

"Now go get ready."

"I don't even have a dress!"

"You do. Jimin go get her ready please?"
After he spoke Jimin walked over to me, grabbed my hand and pretty much dragged me away. We entered a room of the resort and I saw everything laid out for me...damn Jungkook was prepared for this.

"So let's get started shall we!"
Jimin said clasping his hands together in excitement. He started on my face and I'm not gonna lie he was amazing at makeup! Better than me and I've been doing it got years on this face and it's never looked this good. Around half an hour later he helped me into the dress.

I'm surprised Jungkook allowed him to since yes he's gay but also a guy, I wasn't too bothered tho. I liked my hair the way it was so we only added hairspray to keep down my whispy baby hairs. The dress really complimented my figure..so much so it was obvious that Jungkook had chosen it. The measurements were perfect! How did he do that? Oh yeah...stalker haha.

The lace flattered my curves as the long train made me look taller. I was happy to see he had remembered my dislike of heals when I saw plain white all star converse. I was all dressed and ready and it was time. Yes this is a little fast but I guess everything about is goes at fast pace.

Jimin escorted me back to the beach and I saw everyone sat down around the long tables but I wasn't really focusing on them. I was more focused on the man in a suit at the end of the long tables. My Jungkook. My daddy. The literal man of my dreams, and it seems my dream is about to become reality. Jimin stopped us at the end of the rows of people in the centre and I noticed all Jungkooks friends that were now my friends walking towards me.

"The future Mrs Jeon we would all like to escort you to the next chapter of your life is that allowed by you?"
Namjoon asked on behalf of all the guys. I looked at there wide smiles and nodded in reply me too having a large grin on my face.

We all walked down the "aisle" together as music played accompanying us on our short journey. Finally we got to the end and they departed from my side to their seats. There stood a priest...this is really happening. My eyes locked on Jungkooks and I couldn't help but swoon over just how good he looked in that fix. He held out his hand for me and I willingly grabbed it. That's when the ceremony started.

There were a lot of words said but I couldn't pay much attention as all I was focusing on was jungkooks eyes and how sharp his jawline
was- let me have this ok? It is my wedding!
It got to the vow portion of the ceremony and he let out some very heartfelt words and my life felt complete..he really is all I need. I did my vows and really struggled not to blubber with tears but Jungkook helped me get through it.

The priest said the very famous line
"You may now kiss the bride"
and our marriage was sealed except it wasn't him who kissed first...

I grabbed his face and kissed him passionately. Everyone cheered and clapped. This was the happiest moment of my life well-till Jungkook decided to let his horniness ruin it.

"Now where married I can't wait for the first night"

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