The Beginning.

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I wrote my first song when I was eight. Since then, I've been a part of writing a total of two hundred and twenty five songs; thirty of those were released by me. Two of those are Dove Award winners and one is in regular rotation on all major Christian radio stations.

But don't get me wrong, I wasn't raised Christian. No one took me to church regularly, no one prayed with me before each meal and before bed every night. No one even mentioned the name Jesus to me until I was seven and a half.

My best friend from school called my house one Sunday morning and asked if I was free. When I said yes, she told me to put on my prettiest dress, my nicest shoes and do my hair, and her parents would pick me up in an hour. I didn't know where I was going, but I went with her anyway. After all, she was my best friend and she'd never gotten me into trouble before.

They took me to their church for the first time that day. I was nervous, but everyone I met was so nice and cheery. My friend and I sat beside her parents and her older brother and his friend. It started out with a prayer. My friend folded her hands and closed her eyes, so I did too. Then, a choir came out and they sang some songs. I didn't know them, but my friend mumbled along with the words. She showed me a book with all the songs in it and how the piece of paper her parents were given said which ones they would sing that day. Then, when the songs were done, a man came out and spoke loudly and lots of people clapped and cheered during it. I had never been to a church before, but it looked like a good time if you knew what was going on. I wanted to be a part of it.

So, that afternoon, I told my parents that I wanted to continue going to my friend's church with her. They agreed. They didn't do anything on Sundays anyway.

Soon, my favorite day of the week was Sunday. I learned people's names and greeted them. I learned all of the call and response prayers, and I even learned most of the songs.

When the school year ended, I thought church would too. But my friend told me that during the summer months, there was a children's club that we would go to instead of adult church. I gave it a go and loved it just as much. The songs were more for children and easier to understand and I liked that. I met a few new friends and we would play in the church yard afterwards together while the adults stood around and talked.

A few weeks into summer, the children's pastor talked about something called VBS, or Vacation Bible School. After group time, I went to the pastor and asked him to tell me about it. He sat me down and explained that it was a day camp where we'd go to church and learn more about Jesus and there'd be fun things to do each day.

I was so excited and begged my mom and dad to pay the fifteen dollars so I could attend. When they said no, my friend and I asked her parents and they paid it for me. They decided to have me stay at their house the entire week so it was easier.

So, the night before the first day, I packed my trip bag full of clothes and my favorite stuffed animals. I was so excited that I didn't want to go to sleep yet, so I grabbed the children's Bible my friend had given me and sat next to my window with it. I looked at the pictures and read a few of the stories until I got tired.

VBS was the greatest week I had ever had. The singing was my favorite part and I memorized all the words on the first day. My friend and I made lots of crafts and even learned how to make cookies.

On the last day, there was a performance for parents. I called my parents the night before and invited them and they said they would think about it.

They didn't show up and I was so sad. I remember at the end of the performance, all the kids ran to their parents and I just sat on the stage and watched.

The children's pastor came over to me and asked me what was wrong. I told him that my parents didn't come to the performance and how it made me feel. We talked about my experience at the church so far and what I enjoyed the most. He said he'd been watching me and saw that I liked the music. He told me about a friend of his that wrote music and asked if I'd be interested in meeting him. I said yes and set it up with my friend's parents that the pastor would bring me by their house later.

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