Chapter 8.

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One Month Later.
"Just pick one."
I sighed. "I don't know."
"Thea, you only have three weeks to decide." Charlie said softly. "You knew you'd have to do this."
"I know, but I thought it would be easier than this." I frowned. "Why can't you do it?"
"Because I'm a senior pastor and I need to be here. Look," he leaned down and met my gaze, "I know that whatever happened in Nashville changed you; I know it hurt you, but you got through it." He grinned, making me blush. "You did it, baby."
He leaned forward and kissed my lips. "You're back and better than ever."
I sighed softly and nodded.
When I got back, I was a wreck for three days. My heart ached for the Irishman I'd met. He hadn't rung me once since I left. He used my card twice. Once for some things at Wal-Mart and once for a three day stay at a decent hotel.
I just wanted to hear from him, just once. I wanted to make sure he was okay, but it didn't happen.
I had to move on, so I gave Charlie a chance. We were good friends, so it took a little getting used to, but I liked him. He was nice to me and never forced me to do anything I didn't want to do.
"Are we still on for dinner tonight?" He asked, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear.
I nodded. "Yes, as long as we don't talk about this."
"Okay. Deal." He kissed my temple. "I have a meeting with Erik. I'll stall him for you."
"Okay. Thank you."
"You're welcome. I need my girl at her best so go get ready."
"Alright." I waved and he walked away.
Only one thing unsettled me. He was always worried about my appearance. I know I don't dress to the nines, but I was comfortable in my own style. Why didn't he like it on me?
As I packed up, I texted Marley, but she was out with Mack. The two of them were looking for an apartment together. The church wasn't thrilled about it, but they were going to get a two bedroom to make it a little better. I was happy for my best friend. Truly. It still hurt that I wasn't with someone I connected with on every level, but Charlie was sweet.
When I made it to my apartment, I took a minute and stared at the mostly empty space. Ever since my roommate had moved out, I'd felt incredibly lonely. As a senior member of leadership, Charlie was strongly encouraged from any form of intimacy until marriage; just to keep a good image for the church; so we didn't spend too much time just the two of us.
My choices for dinner had been hanging from the curtain rod in my bedroom for almost two days since we planned the date. I sat on my bed and pondered over them for a few minutes before choosing the more conservative style of the two. Look, I appreciate the ways of the church, I do, but a little bit of cleavage never hurt anybody.
I sighed and stripped, putting on my strapless bra, before sliding into the dress. In the bathroom, I fixed my curls and put in a little more hairspray. As I clasped my necklace around my neck, my phone rang.
I ran out to the kitchen where I had left it to answer it. I didn't recognize the number, but I picked it up anyway.
"Hey, stranger."
My free hand gripped the edge of the counter. "Callahan?"
"Yeah." He chuckled. "It's me."
I sighed. "It's been a bit."
"I know. Look, I'm sorry. I kind of got into some trouble out here and couldn't phone you."
"What happened?"
Callahan sighed. "Oh, I'm not sure you want to know."
"No, I do." I walked to my couch and sat down.
"Erm," he cleared his throat, "okay. So, a few days after you left, I got a hotel for a few nights because there was a big rainstorm and I didn't really want to be outside. So, I paid for it with the card you gave me and camped out in the room. When I checked out, I planned to get some food and then go to my spot. I got into an altercation with a guy at the grocery store. Long story short, I landed myself thirty days in jail for protecting my guitar."
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Oh, my gosh."
"I know. Look, I'm really sorry I couldn't call you."
"No, it's okay, Callahan. I'm just really glad you're safe." I said with a small smile on my face.
"Yeah?" He asked quietly.
"You sound happy, Thea. Are you happy?"
"I am. I'm uh, getting ready for a date." I told him.
"Aye, there you go!" He chuckled. "Getting out there! Good! Who's the lad?"
I hesitated. "My new boyfriend. Charlie."
"Thea, that's great!"
His enthusiasm surprised me only a little. He had told me to move on and live my life.
"Thank you, Callahan." I spoke quietly.
"Of course!"
There was a short pause between us.
"I want to see you." I said softly.
"I would like to see you too, darling." He replied.
I smiled. "You do?"
"Of course, I do. Before I went to jail, I stuck my bracelet inside my guitar. I just got it out of there this morning and put it back on. Then I found the closest pay phone and called you."
Grinning, I got up and skipped back to my bedroom. I opened my jewelry box and I pulled out the bracelet. "I usually wear mine, but I forgot to put it on after my shower this morning." I told him.
"What does the boyfriend think of his girl wearing a bracelet from another guy?" Callahan asked, chuckling softly.
"I'm not sure he really notices it. He's never asked me about it and I've worn it every day." I sighed. "Hmm."
I gulped. "Um, nothing."
"Thea, talk to me, please." Callahan pleaded. "I've missed hearing your voice and I want to hear about your life."
I took a deep breath. "I like Charlie. I really, really do. And I don't want to sound like I'm complaining, but-" I paused.
"Thea, I'm still here." He whispered.
"He doesn't like the way I dress. He doesn't like when I wear low cut shirts. He wants me to dress more professionally when there's nothing about my job that requires that. He thinks jeans look trashy and that I should take all of my t-shirts to Goodwill. Sometimes, I feel like he just wants to have a pretty girl on his arm to make himself look better." I sighed softly. "Okay, I'm done."
"Thea, no one should ever make you feel that way; especially not the man you're with. Have you told him how you feel?"
"You should, darling. Let him know that it hurts you and tears you down; that you don't feel like you can be you." Callahan paused briefly. "I personally love who you are and I think everyone who knows you should too."
I smiled softly. "Thank you, Callahan. That means a lot to hear."
He chuckled.
"So, you said earlier that you'd like to see me. Did you mean that?"
"I definitely did."
"How do you feel about flying?" I asked.
Callahan chuckled. "Well, I flew across an ocean to get to the States. I'm not opposed to it."
"If I bought you a ticket to Sacramento, would you use it?"
"I thought you said you live in Redding."
"I do, but there are direct flights from Nashville to Sacramento. I could pick you up there." I explained.
"Uh, yeah. I'd use it."
I cleared my throat. "Callahan, I mean it. I want you here. I need you and your smart brain."
He laughed softly. "Hmm, a girl using me for my brain. Never had that happen before."
Giggling, I laid back on my couch. "I'm serious."
"I know you are." He sighed softly. "It'll be nice to get out of Nashville for awhile. I need some inspiration."
"I hope you get it here."
"Me too. So, when should I be at the airport?" He asked.
I got up and went to my laptop on the kitchen counter. I searched for flights and found a few for the next day.
"How about tomorrow at three pm?" I asked.
"Sounds do-able."
"Or, there's a ten am. That would be leaving at eleven and with a one hour layover in Dallas, you'd arrive here tomorrow night around eight." I smile softly. "How's that sound?"
"That sounds perfect."
"Alright. Book now." I mumbled to myself. "I need your license number."
He listed it off and I typed it in, plus his full name. When it was finished, I marked it as a pick up at the counter.
"Okay, Callahan James Kilpatrick. You have a flight with Delta tomorrow morning. Don't be late." I giggled softly.
He chuckled. "Oh, I wouldn't dream of it. Speaking of dreaming, yes, I will get a hotel near the airport tonight so I get a good night's rest."
"Also, just so you're aware, I'll have to buy a case for my guitar."
Callahan sighed. "Are you sure it's okay that I'm using your money like this?"
"Yes. The money you're using is what I made when I was in high school working odd jobs for people." I explained. "I make plenty now, so I don't even notice these menial purchases."
"Thank you so much, Thea. It means so much and I'll pay you back one day."
"Don't even worry about it."
He chuckled softly. "I can't believe I'll be seeing you tomorrow."
"Mm, I'm excited!"
"So am I. Well, I better let you keep getting ready for your date."
I frowned. "I forgot about that for a minute."
"Smile, babe. And remember what we talked about."
"Yeah. Tell him how it makes me feel."
"That's right. Should I call you when I get to the airport tomorrow morning?" He asked.
I nodded. "Yes! Please do!"
"Alright, Thea. Have a good night."
"You too, Cal. Bye."
I finished getting ready and Charlie showed up just on time to pick me up.
As I got into his car, he smiled at me. "You ready?"
I nodded. "Yeah."
"Okay." He reached a hand over and held mine as he drove. "How was the rest of your day?"
"It was good. My friend from Nashville called."
"Oh, that's great!" He grinned. "How is he?"
I nodded. "He's good. He's coming here tomorrow, for a week or so."
I watched as Charlie's brows furrowed and his grip on my hand tightened. He gripped the steering wheel with his other hand and then let out a deep breath, and relaxed.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"He's coming here?"
"Yes." I nodded.
"With what money, Thea? I thought you said he's homeless."
"He is."
Charlie sighed. "So, he's coming here with your money?"
I nodded. "Yeah."
"Because he's had a rough time since I was there and I want to see him, Charlie. Besides, I'm going on tour soon and I'll be busy for the rest of the year." I explained. "It doesn't matter to me if he's homeless or rich, and it shouldn't matter to you either."
"Baby, I'm just trying to look out for you." Charlie countered. "You can be friends with whoever you want, I just don't think it's right that he's using your money."
"Trust me, he doesn't want to. He also knows I won't take 'no' for an answer." I said softly. "He's a nice guy. I wouldn't let him come here on my dime if he wasn't."
"I know you wouldn't." He rubbed his thumb on my hand. "I'll try to get to know him while he's here."
"Thank you."
As we drove to dinner, which was about a half hour from where we live in Redding, we quietly listened to the radio. A few songs played before one of mine came on.
I reached over and turned it to the other Christian station in this area.
"Why did you switch it?" Charlie asked.
"I don't want to listen to myself right now."
"Baby, you're good."
"I know, but it's weird to me." I said quietly. I adjusted my dress a little.
He glanced at me and sighed. "That's pretty short."
I gave him a look. "It's comfortable and looks cute."
"I'm just saying that it's kind of short."
I frowned and looked out the window. My hand was a bit sweaty in his, but I didn't dare move it.
"Why don't you like how I dress?" I asked quietly.
"Who said I don't like how you dress, Thea?"
"You do, every time you see me. You're always asking why I wear certain things or you're saying I should get rid of something."
He scoffed. "I don't do that."
I looked at him. "Name one outfit of mine that you like."
Charlie was silent as he drove another block.
"Let me out." I said softly.
"Stop the car and let me out!"
"Thea, don't be dumb. I like your style, I just wish it were a little more modest."
"Stop the car!" I repeated. "Please!"
Charlie sighed and pulled the car over, but he didn't unlock the doors. "Thea, please. Let's talk about this."
I looked at him, meeting his brown gaze. "You don't like how I dress and you expect me to just sit back and let you control my life. There's not much to talk about."
He sighed. "That's ridiculous."
"Is it?" I took off my cardigan.
"Thea, please." He huffed.
"See?! My shoulders are showing and you're freaking out!"
He sighed. "Because the dress is too short already!"
"I understand I am a part of a worship team for a megachurch and I'm a well-known songwriter who is in the spotlight, but not once has anyone said anything negative about what I choose to wear. Except, for you. The man I decided to be loyal to."
He gulped.
"Blindly." I added.
"You're not breaking up with me, are you?" He asked
"I don't know." I unbuckled the seat belt and opened the door. "I need a minute."
"Okay." He nodded.
I got out and closed the door behind me. There was a guardrail a foot away so I walked to it and sat down on it. I closed my eyes and took several deep breaths.
As I sat there, my phone buzzed in my pocket so I picked it up and answered it. "Hello?"
"Hey, where are you?" Marley asked.
"Currently sitting on a guardrail on the side of the road, why?"
"Oh? Uh, you can tell me about that later. I need to get into your apartment. Where's your spare key?"
"Why do you need inside my apartment?" I asked.
She coughed. "You have my cold medicine."
"Right, sorry! Uh, check under the pot or behind the frame. I can't remember where Charlie put it."
I waited a few seconds before she came back to the call.
"It's not in either place."
My brows furrowed. "What?"
"I just checked under the flower pot and behind the frame on the side of the building. I even lifted your mat and checked under it. It's not here, Thea."
I got up and walked back to the car, swinging the door open. "Where is my spare key?"
"Your what?" Charlie asked. He pointed to the phone. "Who is that?"
"Just tell me where my spare key is, Charlie!"
"It's right here." He said, touching his key ring.
My jaw dropped. "What? Why?"
"Because I'm your boyfriend, Thea."
I scoffed. "So you think that gives you the right to just keep my spare key?"
He nodded. "Uh, yeah."
"Well, I don't have a spare key to your place!" I countered. "In fact, I've never even been to your place, Charlie. What the heck?"
"Thea, just get back in the car so we can talk."
"No." I shook my head. "Give me my key back!"
Charlie sighed and took my key off his ring and handed it to me. "What are you going to do?"
"I am going to get a different ride home so I can get back into my apartment and get Marley the cold medicine she needs!"
"And then what?" He asked.
"I don't know, but I'm not going on a date with a man who can't let his girlfriend have her own life!" I slammed the door and started walking toward the nearest building.
"Mar?" I said, going back to the call.
"Could you come pick me up at Gregorio's Garden?"
"Sure, babes. I'll be there soon." She said softly.
"Thank you."

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