Upon his lumber perch,
He scrubs his fur against the thorny bark,
Colouring the canvas of birch
With the blunt splatter of red.
Freed of pain,
His senses wander and hone the jungle below.
Currents stroke the shimmering reeds as they to and fro
Coaxing up the sweetest of feint aromas.
His nostrils dive in head first
As adrenaline courses through his veins and to his groin.
Enveloping him in a mane of lust.His claws latch onto the flesh of wood as he pounces onto the Earth
To survey the escarpment
Where he finds the curve of the horizon
And the set of the sun.
His instincts bring about westerly gallops of faith
In the hope of finding the muse who made him feel this way.
Poetry" SPARK!" Poems Of Utter Spontaneity. The Raw and Unfiltered Emotion Of Living Life Without Cuffs and With Your Heart On Your Sleeve. The Pushing Of Intuition Into The Everyday World. Let It Flow. Let It Flow. And Let Words Spark Life To LIFE.