Overhead, tangled in the clouds.
My rustic serpentine body hovers
Around the dormant crater it rounds.
Singing summoning covers
To awake the rumble of my sleeping beauty.
Your slumber is unadulterated perpetuity.
The Siberian glaciers blanket your air ways.
I huff and puff in rhythm.
My fiery ash to defrost your permafrost bays
To unshackle your every limb
So you erupt out of the crust
With red hot molten lust.
I coil up amongst cumulonimbus
Over myself to sign infinity.
My wingers hang on the hot currents of us.
Thus you are always with me in affinity.
A reason for my persistent sanguinity.
Puisi" SPARK!" Poems Of Utter Spontaneity. The Raw and Unfiltered Emotion Of Living Life Without Cuffs and With Your Heart On Your Sleeve. The Pushing Of Intuition Into The Everyday World. Let It Flow. Let It Flow. And Let Words Spark Life To LIFE.