Chapter 3

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The shower feels better than ever. I want to stay here forever. I feel the heat of the water as I rub my muscles with the soft cloth. It feels like it’s been ages. The pressure of the water is almost perfect. I think back to the earlier conversation with Maddy. 

We had done our introductions. She knew why I was here, despite the party she clearly had last night. It seemed like a double-standard from Daryl, but she assured me that her “parents” have no idea of what she does in this trailer. Privacy is very important to her Mother, evidently, and they never come in here, except on the occasional mishaps of something messing up. She attends the local university with a 4.0, so she doesn’t get questioned much. 

The conversation of her friends was a different story. Some of them were from her old high school, some of the university, and some she didn’t really care to say anything about. The tall boy who had called me Sweet Thing is Derrick, who she says is just as annoying as I already thought. The red head, Delilah, was from her high school, and from what she said, is even more irritating to be around. The boy from last night she didn't speak on, even when I mentioned him. I don’t know exactly why I even said anything, maybe because of his rude behavior. We shared a cup of coffee together, talking more than what I would have liked to. Maddy instructed me to pick whichever room I wanted, except the one with the attached bathroom, that one was hers. She also said she would be in the main house for lunch if I wanted to join them.

But I just wanted to stay in this neverending shower. I rinse the conditioner out of my hair and can’t avoid the inevitable anymore. After wrapping the black, holey towel around my body, I go on a search for my room for the next 12 weeks. 

The first was small, and square. It held a full size bed and was decorated to a modern style decor. The window was small and the carpet was lightly stained. No doubt, from Maddy’s parties. It was a little too small for my liking, though. The next was much better. It didn’t have a bathroom, so I knew this was the one. It held a queen size bed. The carpet was tan and felt good under my feet. It even had a bigger window, which I liked. Two nightstands with lamps stood on each side of the bed, and a single chair and dresser were on the opposite wall. This is it. I can see the rain out the window falling down and hear atop the roof as I carry my luggage in. It’s peaceful. I love the rain. I pull sweats and a clean shirt over my body and begin to unpack everything. Imagine Dragons is playing through my phone and I sing along with the music until I’m finally done...

I wake up to the sun setting through my window. I didn’t even know I had fallen asleep. When I check my phone I see it’s 4:55p.m. Jet lag really got to me. I walk out of the room, expecting to see numerous people again, but there’s no one here, except Maddy. She’s watching a reality tv show that I couldn’t be more uninterested in. 

“Hey, sleeping beauty.” She smiles, turning it down with the small, black remote. The trailer is now clean. There’s no sign of beer bottles or bongs, or even any type of trash. It smells of fresh lemons and bleach. 

“Wow,” I say, taking in the sight. 

“Morning weekend tradition.” She says proudly, turning back to the tv. “Dinner is at six. I’m going out.” That’s when she turns around, her knees on the couch, smiling straight at me. “I expect you’ll want to stay in?” She taunts.

“What, no crazy party tonight?” I open the fridge, finding an unopened water to guzzle down.

“Well, of course.” Maddy says in a “you should have known” type of way. “That’s after the main course, though.” Her grin is almost sinister. 

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