Chapter 7

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“Girl, what are you doing?” She says, clearly drunk. 

“Hey gorgeous, how are you?” Derrick laughs and finally tosses me my phone.

“Emily!” I greet her. We haven’t video-chatted in so long. 

“Hey girl! You traded me out yet?” She attempts to see all the faces in the background behind me.

“Absolutely not.” I grin as I introduce her to all of my “friends.” And she is as friendly as ever, she even comments on Tallon’s “good looks.” For some reason it slightly irritates me, but I let it go. That’s Emily for you. I also noticed the smirk that played across his face when she said it. We video chat for a few saying our “I miss yous” and “Nothing has changed.” And that’s when I see him. 

“Emily?” I must be losing my mind, but I know I see him. She doesn’t hear me, though. She’s too drunk and probably high. “Emily! Why is he there?!” I wait as patiently as I can. “Answer me!” I’m on my feet.

“Oh come on, Hales, he just came to hang out.” She gives a sympathetic smile and pokes her lip out like a puppy dog.

“How could you have Eric at our house?!” I know I’m making a scene in front of the crowd before me, but I don’t care. She has Eric at our house!

“Oh, come on, baby. It's not like that.” I hear his deep voice say from the background.

“Shut up!” Emily instructs, then turns back to me. “Come on, Hailey. You don’t even live here anymore.” She tries to plead with me, but this is too much.

“I’m only gone for a few weeks, Emily. You’re supposed to be my best friend!” But then out of my hysterics, she hangs up. I attempt to call her back two times, but no answer. Out of my anger, I chuck the phone at the carpet.

That’s when I notice the audience around me. Brooke is looking away, clearly not wanting to be involved. Derrick is looking at my face with sympathy, that’s the last thing I want. Tallon looks at me with inquisition, and Maddy stands.

“Are you okay? Whose Eric?” She asks as she gently puts a hand on my shoulder. I shrug it off. The last thing I want to talk about is my past. Nobody wants to give me answers to anything here, so why should I? Instead, I grab my phone and my beer and head to the bedroom.

It doesn’t take long for Maddy to knock on the door, maybe twenty minutes. “I don’t want to talk, Maddy.” But as always, my door is opened, anyway. I’m going to need to get a lock for that. It’s not Maddy, though. It’s Tallon.

I look up at him with stained cheeks. I know I shouldn’t be so upset. It’s clearly an Emily move. But not with him, not Eric. He was bad news, and she knows it. “I don’t want to talk, Tallon.” 

“Well, that’s good.” He shrugs. Of course, always his humorous self. “I came to make sure you’re alright.”

“Do I look alright?” I exaggerate the words. I hope Maddy and the rest of them can’t hear me.

“Whose Eric?” What? His face is looking down, but his tone is serious.

“Why?” I cross my arms. “I don’t think that’s any of your business, anyway.” My tears are dried now by his intrusive questions. He is so weird.

“You’re right. It’s not.” And with that, he walks out and slams the door shut. I almost text Emily, but decide it’s better not to. Enough damage has been done.

I stay in my room on Friday, other than to get an occasional glass of water. The gang's over again, but I’m not in the mood. I hadn’t talked to Emily anymore. I hadn’t tried to contact her, either. No one comes in my room that night. I like it better that way. 

Saturday morning, I begin to clean up everyone's mess from the night before. Of course, Tallon is awake. This time the coffee is already made, waiting for me. “Thanks.” 

“No problem. Are you feeling better?” He seems genuine, but there’s always a motive to his questions.

“I’m fine.” And I am. “I overreacted.” I did slightly, but if he only knew how wrong Emily was for having that disgusting filth at my apartment.

“Do you want to talk about it?” He sips on his own coffee, but his eyes are steady, almost like he wants to know.

“No. I don’t.” Honestly, I don’t even want to think about Eric or Emily, or even Tennessee. That’s a first since coming here.

“Okay, how about we hang out today?” I almost choke on my coffee. Did he just? Yes, yes he did,

“You and me?” I ask, trying to make sense of him. I almost giggle at the thought, but then I notice he’s serious. He shrugs as if he hadn’t asked an insane question. Was it insane, though? 

“And do what?” I smile as if it’s already a bad idea. 

“I don’t know. Don’t tell me you only wanted to come to London to party in this tiny trailer and go to The Mansion.” And he’s right. He’s so right.

“Sure,” I shrug my shoulders, as if it’s not a bad idea. “I need to shower first, though.”

“That’s fine. I need to go to my flat, anyway.” He smirks that way that I like before leaving... 

****Introducing Eric! You will get to hear more about this "man" later on in the story. Thank you for reading and please continue to do so! Also, please vote and leave me a comment! Another chapter will be coming up soon and I know this chapter was short, but a lot more drama is coming! Keep in tuned for Tallon's perspective coming up and Hailey's past to be revealed!

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