Chapter 10

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I flip back and forth through the channels on the tv. Nothing is on. I swallow the dark liquor mixed with Dr. Pepper and Red Bull. It actually tastes okay, better than the usual. And the buzz I’m feeling makes it taste even better. Emily tried to call, but I ignored it. Silence feels pretty good right now. I’ve all but forgotten about Tallon’s crude comment. I don’t even want to think about him. Or Emily. Or Eric. Or anyone really.

Next thing you know the front door is opening. It’s too early to be Tallon and Maddy. Her and her stupid rule of unlocked doors. To my surprise, it’s Derrick. Why isn’t he at The Mansion? I should have gone, just out of spite.

“Hey Sweet Thing.” He gives me his signature grin.

“Don’t start.” But then amazingly, both of us burst out in laughter. It actually feels good. The alcohol is doing its job well. I hold the bottle out to him and he swallows it down straight. Eww. 

“Why aren’t you at The Mansion?” I dare ask as he hands the glass bottle back to me.

“Eh, Chuck didn’t need me tonight.” He shrugs, taking off his shoes. Didn’t need him? What does that mean? 

“Ah, the infamous Chuck.” I hate him. I don’t know why, but there was something about the man and those vicious eyes. “Care to take a seat?” I do my best English accent, which only leads to more laughter from the both of us. Derrick plops down and that’s how the night goes. 

Derrick actually isn’t so bad. He’s funny in his own way, that or the liquor has tricked me. Either way, I’m enjoying his company. I learned that he is originally from Texas. His mom moved up here with his little sister six years ago, and he couldn’t bare being so far away from her. It’s sweet, actually. His story is simple, unlike mine. He met Maddy first. To my surprise, they actually dated at one point, in the very beginning, but it obviously didn’t work out. Probably Chuck's fault, but I don’t ask.

At around two, we’re on our second liquor bottle when the front door opens, letting in a gust of wind. Maddy waltzes through the door, with Tallon and Brooke behind her. 

“You guys missed a great party.” She smiles, clearly drunk. What can I say, though? I am too. 

Tallon takes in the room around him. Bottles and pizza are on the coffee table. Derrick and myself are sitting on the couch. We’re on opposite ends, with my feet dangling over his lap. “What the hell is going on here?” He towers over the couch, looking at the two of us.

“Nothing, man. Just hanging out with Sweet Thing.” We both try to stifle our laughter with no such luck.

“Hailey, can I talk to you?” It’s more of a demand, but I look up to him, anyway. His arms are crossed and his eyes are full of fury. Why is he so mad? Did something happen at the club?

I shrug my shoulders and respond, “Sure.” With that he takes my hand in his and leads us outside, closing the door behind him.

“Why can’t we talk inside?” I cross my arms and attempt to warm myself by rubbing them up and down. Without even responding, Tallon takes his leather off and wraps it around my body. 

“Why are you with him?” He huffs it out, forcing his hands in his pockets.

“Who? Derrick? I don’t know, maybe because he showed up. Maybe because he didn’t leave me to go to some stupid club.” The words are harsh, but I don’t care, not after what he said to me earlier.

“You’re drunk.” He knits his perfectly shaped brows.

“Clearly.” I can’t help but giggle at his obvious statement.

“I’m sorry for what I said. You know, earlier.” His expression looks as if he means it, but me being myself, I try to push more out of him.

“Some apology.” I take another chug. The more liquor I drink, the warmer I get, right? Something like that.

“Look, I am. I’m sorry.” He blows a puff of air out in exasperation. It smells of mouthwash, just like he tastes. I can’t think about that right now. I can’t think about his full lips and tongue. That tongue, though. “I just, I don’t want you hanging out with Derrick, okay? Not alone.”

“And yet, I’m the leach? You don’t want me at The Mansion. You don’t want me around Derrick. You sir, are full of double standards.” I take another gulp. I can’t even taste it anymore. 

“I said I was sorry for that.” That’s really all he got out of that statement?

“Tallon, just because you say you’re sorry doesn’t mean the words just go away.” I can’t believe I haven’t thrown up yet. How much have I drunk? And then there’s his eyes staring into me again, like he can see everything, like I’m naked to his gaze.

“I know. I’m sorry. Please, can we let it go?” His hands are on each side of my face now. His long fingers make it possible to even touch some of my neck. I feel his breath on me. I know that look. I can’t get enough of his lips on mine. They just taste so-

Oh no. The bile is coming up. I can feel it. I shouldn’t have taken that last swig. I can smell the refreshing mouthwash of his breath, but it’s messing with my senses, mixing itself with the Jager. And before I know it, I’m turning around and throwing up in one of April’s plants. Lilies? Roses? I don’t know. I can't make them out. All I can feel is my throat on fire and my ribs feel like they may crack under so much pressure.

“There it is,” I know by his tone that he has that stupid smirk on his face, “let it all out.” I attempt to push him away, with no luck. Kindly enough, he pulls my long brown hair out of my face for me.

The door is then pulled open. I see a freshly showered Maddy standing there looking at us. “Oh my gosh. Get her inside before her gagging wakes my parents up.” The door slams shut. Shit. I forgot about Daryl and April. Luckily the vomit stops coming, as if it read my mind. 

“I’m fine.” I stand up, trying to balance myself. “I just need a shower.”

“I’ll say.” Tallon chuckles in my ear. “Do you need help for balance in the shower?” He gives me a grin. I’m not sure if he’s teasing or actually serious, but I have no words for him. The sober me is starting to creep back through.

Next thing you know, I’m out of the shower and brushing my teeth. I slip on the shorts and shirt that I had grabbed before coming into the bathroom. The shower was bittersweet. My body is now relaxed and my drunk state has all but disappeared. 

When I walk into my cozy, warm room, I see the insanely hot Tallon lying back on my bed. “Do you have any sense of boundaries?”

“Evidently not when it comes to you.” Once again, I can’t tell if his words are true or not. He looks as if he’s contemplating or battling something in his head until he looks up and of all things asks, “How many tattoos do you have?” That’s a change in conversation.

“Five.” I grab my arm and rub the ink spread across it. “And you?”

He lets out a laugh. What’s funny? “I lost count.” Oh.

“What are you doing in here?” I realize I’m still standing in the doorway of my own room. I quickly shut it behind me and sit down in the nearby chair.

“Can’t I spend time with you? Are you scared?” He smiles. Tallon quickly stands and reaches for my hand. He brings me into him, holding my waist tightly while leaning against the bed. I’ll never get enough of his smell…

****Thank you guys so much for reading! Next chapter is from Tallon's perspective! Finally! Please vote and I will post another chapter soon!

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