Chapter 6

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Billie's POV:

"How was your date?" Claudia asked with a teasing voice.

"Beautiful." I say, smiling to myself just thinking about it. I barely even know the girl but I go crazy just at the thought of her.

"You're welcome." Finneas said.

"The fuck you mean 'you're welcome' ? I did all the work." I replied back with an aggressive tone.

"We left on purpose dude. We didn't know where the fuck we were going." He told me with a very cocky smile. This little fucker.

"We literally sat in the car for hours." Claudia chimed it.

"Thank you." I mumbled. I didn't wanna admit what they did was really nice.

"Excuse me, could you repeat that a little louder?" Claudia asked, holding her hand up to her ear as if she didn't hear me the first time.

"Thank you." I said a little louder but still not loud enough for Claudia and Finneas I guess.

"We still can't hear you" Finneas teased. These people are such bitches, I swear.

"Thank you." I finally say, completely audibly.

"Ha ha ! We finally got it out of her." Claudia said in victory. They high five before telling me they're gonna go to bed.

With that, I decide to go to bed too.

The next day

Nohea's POV:

I wake up to the smell of spam and eggs. Every Sunday my parents wake up early and make us breakfast. On most weekdays, they're working so they never really have time to cook for us but Sundays man. Sundays hit different.

"Mornin' Hea" my mom greets me, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Morning." I mumble out, yawning a bit. I grab a plate of food and sit on the stool next to Kahuna.

"I'm honestly surprised you're even up this early. You were out till like-" Kahuna begins before I stop him. I glare at him as mom gives me the 'You've got some explaining to do' look.

"I got home around 12 because the traffic was bad. Billie apologized to Kahuna and -"

My mom raises her eyebrows before saying "Who is Billie ?" Oh shat. I've been caught.

"A friend." I say, smiling suspiciously.

"Yeah right, a 'friend'. I found her Instagram." Kahuna opened his phone and began looking for the photo we had taken yesterday. My eyes widened and I snatched the phone out of his hand.

"I promise it wasn't anything ! We literally just met on Friday." I exclaimed. Kahuna slapped my back in an effort to get his phone back.

After back and forth aggressive slaps, mom finally raises her voice "Kids, calm the fuck down ! Hea, I'm happy you finally got a new friend and kahuna, stop being such a rat."

Kahuna puts his hand against his heart in a dramatic manner. "I'm hurt you would call me that ma." He said wiping off fake tears.

After breakfast

I lay in my bed and stare at the ceiling in complete boredom. I thought about calling Maka to come over but she's busy with some other shit. I could called my other friends. HA I don't have any other friends.

I mean I could call Billie but I don't wanna come off to strong. We only met two days ago yet we seem so... close?

As if on cue, my phone starts to ring. A photo I took of Billie eating shave ice shows on my screen. I smile, thinking about the moment and answering the call.

"Hey mamas"


"Whatchu doing today?"

"Literally nothing dude. I never do anything I'm telling you."

"Well, Finneas and Claudia are out if you wanted to come over. You can show off on your Snapchat"

"Uh sure. I can flex on the broke bitches of the world."

Billie laughs and we say our goodbyes.

She sends me the address and I start heading to the place.


"Holy shit" I say looking at the place. Shit was nice as hell. I wondered if it was even real.

"Cool place, right?" Billie 'brags'. I continue to look around in complete amazement. No wonder rich people always wanna come back here.

"Must be nice being rich." I say as we sit on the couch. A very very comfortable couch by the way.

"It's eh. Life gets kinda boring when you can have everything you want." She said, putting her feet up on the coffee table.

"Ha, that's funny. Try living on a small island your whole life. We literally have one mall and it's so dead. Don't say go on a boat or go zip lining because all that stuff cost money. Don't even get me started on the prices here." I begin to rant.

"Woah there. Seems like trouble in paradise." Billie replied, placing her hand on my thigh as a way to calm me down. I blush at the interaction and Billie just laughs at me.

"You're so cute, Nohea. You know that right?"

"I know" I responded, flipping my hair. Billie laughs again.

She stares at me in complete adoration and her eyes flicker down to my lips.

She slowly starts to lean in for a kiss but I move out of the way.

Her eyes widen in shock, "I'm so sorry was I reading it wrong? Are we not-"


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