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After that everything happened in a slow motion mode...suddenly from Izzah tahir she had become izzah zayn....

The qazi was called at the hospital and they were bonded in a nikkah,,
Sweets were distributed , tahir ali and zahra tahir were extremely happy while izzah was just crying over and over again...it was a very difficult situation for her ,her dad was lying on a death bed and on the other hand she was married to the person who had rejected her .. she had lost her friend and partner in crime in all this situation ...

Zayn on the other hand was just quiet...extremely silent and that was scaring izzah the most...

After the urgent nikkah being done in the hospital It was time for tahir alis bypass and signing on the papers for that was much more difficult then signing the nikkah papers.
After a while tahir ali was taken to the operation theatre and zayn, izzah and zahra were all sitting on prayer mats and praying to Allah for the health of mr tahir...

After 3 long awaiting hours mr tahir was shifted to icu from the operation theatre, the next few hours were critical for him...mrs tahir was inside with him while zayn and izzah were standing in the cold corridor avoiding each other ...

Izzah had not eaten since last night and was shivering due to cold and weakness and excessive crying.,,when zayn saw that he went and brought tea for both of them with biscuits..

He walked over to her who was sitting on the cold floor sobbing...he sat beside her is when she noticed him.

Zayn baba theek to honayengay na(zayn baba will get fine na) she asked innocently and he wanted to hug her tight and hide her away from all these worries after all she was his best friend...

Haan bilkul theek hojayengay and when he will come out he would want his daughter fine and smiling....ye lo khaa lo (here have this) he said while offering her a biscuit..

Nahi khana zayn mujhe sirf baba theek chahiyen( i dont wanna eat just want baba fine) izzah whined like a baby

Just a bite for his sake please izzah ...he pleaded and she took a bite from the biscuit and he offered her the tea and she took it..some old memories running through her brain...they both were chai lovers...they always commpanied eachother with chai...there chai and gossip sessions were long.
Even after zayn went to london for higher studies they would face time and drink tea on the either sides and gossip alot..

There long distance did not separate their bond but she was thinking that this new relation will surely....

zayns eyes did not hold that affection anymore now or maybe she was just overthinking because he did reject her and was forced to marry her....uff her thoughts....

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