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Mr tahir was dischared by the night and was very strictly resting as izzah was not sparing him. She was very upset with mom and dad who did not bother telling them about dads condition...

First you guys forcefully send us away then you went to the office daily when you needed rest dad! She was very angrily scolding mr tahir and he was just smiling at his daughter lovingly,daughters surely are blessings he thought.

"And plus you never bothered telling us about your health..shukar hai zahid ne batadia "

"But beta see I am absolutely fine"dad assured her..

Fine! but i am not leaving your side anymore..mom!i am sleeping with dad okay,,tell your son in law that,when he returns..okay...
She told mrs zahra..

Zayn had gone to fetch mr tahirs medicines...

But beta,,she tried to protest..

No buts and ifs mom ,i m very angry now ,she declared and snuggled in with dad.

When zayn returned ,mom served him meal and told him about izzah sleepkng over,he simply nodded and went to sleep in his room alone...he had gripped that izzah was basically ignoring him after all that happened in hunza  last night...

Maybe she is regretting it...frowning he thought and drifted off to sleep as he was damn tired...


The whole next week izzah avoided him like plaque,he was very annoyed now.

She was sleeping with mom and dad ,simply blackmailing them that she was still their daughter and  even after marriages daughters come and stay over with parents..
Mom  stayed silent but she surely was quite because of mr tahirs condition otherwise she wanted to set this izzah up..

"God knows what she is upto..poor zayn,never complains"...mom murmured

Izzah was simply very embarassed to face zayn,like how could they have done that...aahhh she cringed at the thought that she really enjoyed that all ..

On the other hand zayn was going crazy, that little tease,teasing him in and out, was now playing hide and seek with him.he wanted her and he wanted her bad.
He had realised his feelings this previous week,he merely could not imagine his life without that little girl who was his best friend and soul mate...how could he have been that stupid to ignore the hidden love for her.


At breakfast table finally zayn caught her, he was very busy previous days in work, he would leave early and come back late and izzah would be sleep by then or definetly pretending to be asleep by ...

WellFrom two nights after hearing moms scoldings izzah had shifted back to her room but they never had a chance to confront eachother,because in the morning she would be sleeping when he left for work and would have slept when he returned late beacuse of all the held up work for his new project and well he also had to manage mr tahirs work because of his illness...
Today was sunday and they all were home now having breakfast together,

"Zayn now i am absolutely fine ,i will join you in office from tommorow ,you have alot of burden already," dad declared getting a stern glare from izzah..

No dad you are not going anywhere, she warned

But izzah just see zayn he is been working all day,he seems so worn out,he needs  a helper, dad said corncerned..

He is young dad he can manage,haina na zayn,,izzah questioned him..

Aah well dad izzah can join instead of you,i mean she has the degree and is very intelligent, zayn said out of the blue and  now it was his turn to earn a glare from izzah...

No way.,i cant wake up that early and go to work...izzah being the lazy bum declared..

Huh good idea zayn..wow izzah ,why dident i think of it, so yes if you dont want me going,you are surely going...dad said with a wicked smile...

Dad NO!!


"argh fine"...stamping her foot she went away from the dining room not before warning zayn...

"Gande gande mashware dete ho na, subah uthana to manungi"...saying this she left and they all cracked up laughing..

"Watch me!"zayn  yelled behind her...

He was glad,atleast she will be infront of his eyes the whole day...he thought smirking

Mahnoor had come in the evening to meet them all spreading laughter all around

"So how was the honeymoon zayn?? Any chance of good news???" Mahnoor being mahnoor questioned winking and izzah pinched her hard earning a glare in return...

"Ahmmm, well almost"...clearing his throat zayn in a very low volume replied which only reached izzahs ears making her red in embarassment,she very well understood what he meant...

What did you say?? Mahnoor asked confused..

Ask her,,,
saying this zayn left leaving izzah in trouble...she was left to deal with mahnoor....


Zayn had gone with his friends on dinner ,when he returned izzah was deep in sleep,well he was glad when he saw izzahs office attire ironed and hanged in the closet, atleast she agreed in joining office, she was  very brilliant at buisness indeed.many atimes she would give very thoughful advice to dad and zayn but she always refused to go to office...he wondered why had she taken the degree if not putting it to use...well finally satisfied,, he changed and lay down on his usual spot,the couch....
The next day was really a hurdle waking up izzah...
Zayn was so frustrated after tenth attempt on waking this stubborn girl up and all he heard was "five more minutes..."

"Izzah if you dont get up in mere five seconds,,, i am so gonna carry you and shove you under the shower.."

Sensing he really meant what he said she abruptly got up and ran to the bathroom to get dressed up earning a chuckle from zayn...

Slow down princess before you fall and sprain your ankle again...zayn said out loud...

Tum to chahte hi yahi ho..she backfired from the bathroom..

Tumhe kiya pata main chahta kia kia hoo...he replied and this time she did not bother replying to his double meaning statement...

Izzahs first day at office was queit hectic, busy learning some things, helping zayn with some meetings and emails...

They both went out for lunch to her favourite chinese cuisine.she was actually enjoying coming to office..all the employees were giving her so much respect and apart from that this was much useful than sitting bored at home..
The only thing that was bothering her was zayns speaking eyes...she was feeling his gaze on her the whole time but when she looked he woukd change the direction of his eyes or get busy somewhere  ..many time she felt he wanted to say somwthing but he wouldent utter a single word apart from buisness...

At nearly 6 she was good to go but zayn stayed back as he had some work to complete...by the time he returned she was all asleep.again...he was missing on chances to speak to her...


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