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"No mahnoor i am not packing these,, its gonna be cold down there,remember,"

Izzah tried to snatch the" silks and laces " that mahnoor called them from her but all in vain,

Currently the scenario was that mahnoor was over at izzahs place and helping her pack essentials for  honeymoon,

They had to leave for the airport in a while and izzah being the lazy ass that she was,was packing now that too with mahnoors help while zayn had already packed last night..

"Nope darling its not going to be cold in your room,remember you are going on a honeymoon,trust me baby girl you will need them there",
Mahnoor winked wickedly and shoved them inside her back quickly when she saw zayn entering the room..

Hey mahnoor ,whats up, he greeted her

"I am good ,you tell,,you are glowing zayn,that pre honeymoon glow",,, mahnoor teased him..

Really! Is it showing that much,,,he replied with a grin,
Zayn being zayn ,never gave up and izzah rolled her eyes inwardly...

Kuch sikhao isko bhi..sarii kareli,,, mahnoor complained..

How dare you,,are you my friend or his?? Izzah shouted

Both of you guys cousin and wellwisher,,mahnoor said promptly teasing her again ..

Okay izzah we are getting late,hurry up.,,we shall better leave..
Zayn said

"Fine, go safely enjoy to the fullest and when you guys return ,,i want to hear good news , get that in your skulls you two, "mahnoor said making izzah drown with embarrasment...

Bus tayar rahiyega sunnay kay lye ( be ready then to listen ) ,zayn said playfully and walked out carrying both of their bags...

Izzah was stunned at his mischevious comments..the nerve of him...she seethed with anger while mahnoor laughed heartily...

"See,,,what i packed for you will be useful"mahnoor said still grinning
and then only izzah realised that they were packed in her bag and zayn already took the bags to the car...

"Arghhh mahnoor "she whimpered and left the room to go and meet mom and dad

They had to catch a flight to gilgit first which was a very short flight and then drive to hunza from there.
Dad had made all their arrangements,from booking the flight,sending a car with the driver a night before so when they reach,they dont have problem roaming around there plus their rooms were all booked in hunza and skardu...he was also adament on making an itinerary list for them but they said, please leave that to us and dad smiled saying okay!

The flight was all bumpy, and izzah being a scary cat kept clinging onto zayn as if her life depended on it,while zayn was fully enjoying the view of himalaya mountains from the window seat ..

The turbulence was severe due to bad weather, izzah getting scared held his elbow  and clung to him more tightly making him chuckle,,

"Its okay izzah ,relax,," he raked his fingers in her smooth hair trying to calm her.

"Its scary zayn,we should have drove here, "she said holding on to his shirt tightly and getting more closer to him if that was even possible, completely unaware of his state, her closeness was bothering him,her beautiful floral scent was intoxicating him.

"Izzah the road here is also quite dangerous plus it would have taken solid 18 hours or more,"
he tried to straighten her by pulling  away alittle but she had her eyes shut close and was not backing away..

Izzah,,we are not alone in a plane,, cant you wait till we get a room,,
He purposely teased her and it worked,, she abrubtly pulled back,,straightening herself on her seat realising what she was doing...

Sorry ,she said head lowered  

Its okay,, zayn said pinching her cheaks and she swatted his hands away  .

Zayn i am scared,,on my way back ,i m not coming by plane  ,,she whispered,
He barely heard her and laughed  

Nothings gonna happen izzah ,relax,,look over the window and enjoy the view...he said and she nodded her head,,,

Rest of the flight he involved her in different little talks trying to distract her and he somehow succeeded in it..
At the time of landing izzah again had held his hand tightly,,, and he patted her hands to calm her down...

She was never this scared of planes before but this flight was literally very rough...in mountains in a very small plane..

They landed safely in gilgit ,it was a very small airport,, their driver was already there to pick them up ..

It was a 2 hour journey to reach hunza where they had to stay,,,

Izzah was quiet the rest of the journey,,she was literally embarrased at what she did back in the plane,,, and zayns words ,,argh,,why was he this blunt???was he like this from before or had turned this bold after their nikkah, She thought...

Zayn started to tell her about hunza and the places they were crossing,

The views were scenic with snow clad mountains,,it was literally heaven on earth...she was mesmerized....
By the time they reached the hotel,they were starving,,,

The hotel was a very well reputed hotel in that area,,the reception was already informed about their arrival so everyone in their traditional hunza dress were present to welcome them with some apricot juice and oil as it is the speciality of hunza...

They had a very delicious and hearty meal and then went into their honeymoon suite which was beautifully decorated for them,,, there was a apricot cake placed on the table beside tea and coffee and a special note Stating

Welcome mr and mrs zayn

Izzah softly touched the letters and smiled...

So the honeymoon had officially started....


Hope you all will enjoy this chapter also,,it is more of a filler chapter...
The video song i attached is for you people to get a glimpse of what their honeymoon location is like...

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