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Days passed in a blurr after that, izzahs foot was very much better now and they did all the sight seeing around..
They visisted the khunjerab pass,the altit and baltit fortes ,,did some boating in attabad lake.

The beautiful scenes of the himalayas were breath taking,,they both were having best time of their lives..nature always appealed them...

They had to leave in two days, they had again found their bond with eachother,,they had enjoyed hell lot in hunza and izzah was definitely in love with this place which had brought back her friend...ignoring all the realities she was enjoyjng zayns playfullness and his attention..

On the other hand zayn was very confused about his feelings, no doubt he had always loved izzah ,she was his bestest friend and everything but these days he actually started seeing her the other way,,, he was starting to love her that way, her smile,her beautiful facial features,her body curves,he was noticing everything and they were very appealing to him.

Zayn was zoning out alot lately and izzah was really concerned about it but he would never agree and change the topic whenever she used to ask..

Mahnoors been calling her and teasing her alot and mahnoors silly talks give her all the giddy feelings, she was having all those naughty thoughts about zayn herself lately, his handsome features were apparently turning damn hot for her,his abs ,biceps she just out of nowhere really wanted to feel them now....aahmm ahmmm...maybe those were all her silly hormones ..

Always trying to composse a care free composure in front of him would all go in vain if by any chance he would come closer to her,stand by her or hold her hand and to avoid all these silly feelings she was having these days she would instantly back off and zayn was taking all this as a no from her so he himself kept the distance from her after thinking she really was avoiding him and did not want any closeness.

It was midnight and a very stormy night,,sudden thunder and lightning outside waking up izzah from deep sleep
Izzah was hell scared of thunders.sleep flew away from her eyes,turning on the lamp she was now sitting on the couch shivering with cold and fear

ZAyn was peacefully sleeping on the bed as it was his turn to sleep on the bed tonight.
Sleep had now escaped izzah and she somehow wanyed zayn to wakeup himself because she was hell scared, gathering courage she went and shook zayn by his arm,

Wha what happened izzah? He woke up rubbing his eyes..

Can i sleep here? She asled hesitantly

Argh fine! princess cant sleep on the couch anymore,",saying this irritatedly he got up from the bed and moved towards the couch when izzah held his arm and stopped him.

What ? He turned towards her sensing something serious and raised his eyebrows..

She remained silent ,

Are you okay izzah?? He was now fully awake and alert, he touched her forehead to see if she had fever but sighed in relief when he sensed it was normal...

His eyes roamed on her face which was hung low and she seemed scared and just then the thunderstorm roared and she clung to him..

Dont tell me you are scared??? Zayn now mocked her pushing away his wild thoughts. Rainy dark night and his beauty clung to him...

"Its not funny, "she meekly protested..

So what can i do for you?? He asked raising her face to see her clearly.

"Can I sleep with you?"she whispered head still hung low..

Sorry what? He thought he heard her wrong...

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