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Today was the day,she had to go on a date with him...she was absolutely excited and nervous both at the same time.

Zayn had left for the office but she stayed back, she was going to go late, it was a very special day for her, the love of her life had asked her out today,she had to prepare many things,she picked and ironed her dress for the eveining in zayns favourite colour,selecting matching shoes and jewellery to go with it...she just wanted to look too pretty and perfect for the evening...
she was just too happy.

At last packing some lunch for zayn in a box and taking important files for work,she left for office not hiding her grin though.


Zayn's eyes were glued to his door,he was really willing to see her beautiful face now. He was Wondering why she didnt come to the office with him,was she shy? Or was she avoiding him? No,but she was absolutely fine last night,he thought..

Opening his drawer he took out the beautiful tiffany co box from it which had a beautiful chain with a diamond pendant in it.he had ordered it few days back and had recieved it today moning, placing it in his pockets he exited his room to go for a meeting,all the while thinking about tonight,he had reserved tables for two in a very lavish restaurant with decors and a special cake for izzah.


Zayns meeting went all against his preparations for the first time in history, causing him major disappointment otherwise he would always excel in everything, ,

Argh bad start to this day, he thought pushing back his anger...

He ordered a strong coffee to calm down his nerves, he was facing the window looking at the view beneath, his back was facing the door,he heard opening of the door assuming it to be his secretary with coffee ,

"Place it on the table and leave,"he oddered meakly but no reply came instead some feminine arms snaked around his waist embracing him into a hug.

Before he could register anything he heard the door opening with a huge thud and a large gasp from izzah..

"What on earth is going on in here zayn!" Izzahs loud voice brought his mind into action,he sprinted around abrubtly and his eyes widened seeing it was ramsha who was clung to him,he roughly pulled her arms around his waist and went and stood far from her but ramsha moved more closer to him, now ramsha was standing by his side with a wicked grin while izzahs eyes were large and wide open, filled with rage .

Hey what are you doing here? Zayn asked ramsha moving away from her who was holding his arm.

"Let go of me" zayn pushing her away made his way towards izzah who stopped him midway by rising her hand in the air.

Stop there zayn!and tell me what drama is going on in here? Izzah nearly shouted,her head was spinning,this was supposed to be the best day of her life but what was happening...so was her assumptions about ramsha and zayn correct? Was zayn just using her by playing the lovestruck husband part...

Argh!!! She needed answers asap to control her mind..

"Izzah i have not a slight idea as what the hell she is doing here? Promise,just trust me."
zayn walked towards her cupping her face with his hands.

Izzah backed off immediately giving zayn a shock, she just couldent abandon him in this situation,for God sake ,she had to trust him, it was a bloody trap.

Ramsha why dont you just bark as with what intentions you came here?
Zayn shouted banging his hand hard on his desk.

Zayn ,i came here all for you,this girl does not deserve you, i do,i have loved you since my teenage days zayn,she cant just take you away like that.
Ramsha did not seem in her right mental state, she came closer to zayn and was about to hold on to his collar when izzah came into senses and reached her in minutes holding her hands harshly and shoving them away.

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