Chapter 1

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Hunter's P.O.V

I sighed as the last of the children fell asleep. Placing the three that I'm carrying in the bundle of blankets with the rest of the babies before slithering out of the room to where my crew was putting the toddlers to sleep. I hugged Zachary's waist, my head resting on the middle of his back as my eyes closed with exhaustion. "Hey, Zach" I mumbled as my tail curled around him subconsciously. "Hey, Hunter. Your parents are downstairs looking for you" he growled slightly in fury. I nodded, letting go of him and heading downstairs. As I came into the foyer, they instantly headed for me. "Tomorrow your going to school in Auradon, you are to meet us at bargain castle at noon sharp. You hear me" his mother hissed while his father just stood behind her with a placid look on his face. "Yes, mother" I replied solomley as she just smirked and left through the doors. "So~ When am I gonna meet your boyfriend's" he chuckled, messing up my hair while smiling down at me. "Today, if you want" I smiled up at the only decent parent I had. "Well what are we standing around here for?" he smiled, I returned the smile and signaled him to follow me. We moved in silence up to the second floor, where my friends and boyfriend's were playing go fish in my living room. "Guys, this is my father. Dad, these are my friends; Carlisle Cat, Catrina Cat, Ace Hearts, Jared Claw and Caleb Hatter. And those two are the one's you wanted to meet; Harry Hook and Zachary Wolf" I said calmly knowing I just set up my boyfriend's own death sentence. "Hello all, and you two, come with me for a second" he smirked, a dark aura coming off him. "Dad, don't be to harsh, or wake the children, or harm the children. Otherwise you will be putting them all to bed and calming them down, without help" I smile at him with my own dark aura. "Son, you are more terrifying than anyone I have ever met when you  do that. I am so proud!" he squealed happily while hugging me so hard I couldn't breath and was lifted off the ground. "Can't...breathe...let...go" I strangled out with the air I had left. Father finally let me go, patting my head as he dragged my stunned boyfriend's into another room. "So..." I turned to my friends. "I'm being forced to go to Auradon by Prince Ben and my mother" I stated before curling up in my nest of blankets and waiting for them to react. It only took them a few seconds before what I said sunk in. "What!" they yelled in horror, leading me to hiss at them in annoyance. "I told you, and that's why I need you to take care of the children while I'm away. I'm leaving tomorrow, and, tonight's a full moon" I said, looking outside at the setting sun. My father, Harry and Zach came in with sad and terrified faces. I moved over to them, giving dad a hug before grabbing Harry and Zach's hands and directing them all to the basement. "Bye dad, see you tomorrow" he nodded in acknowledgement. "I'm guessing he told you both?" I asked as we entered the soundproof room covered in blankets. They both nodded as I locked and bolted the door. I moved towards the prison part of the room for when it's the full moon. Before I could lock the door behind him though, he had all ready turned wolf and jumped on top of me. I squeaked in horror as Harry tried to help me get him off, only to stop at Zach biting his arm carefully and screamed in pain. I gasped in horror as Harry slowly turned into a large brown furred wolf. I struggled to get out from under both of the wolves above me before giving into their whims. Zack ripped off my shirt with his teeth before  both him and Harry started licking all over my body. I screamed in pain as I felt them suddenly inside me. I hissed at the pain and pleasure as my lovers started to fuck me bloody and unconscious.

I woke up with a groan of pain as I shifted slightly. I felt two forms groan from on top of me before rolling off. I gasped as the memories of last night returned, making me groan as I sat up all of a sudden. I glanced down at the other two, shaking them awake. "Harry, Zack, ASSHOLES! I finally yelled when they wouldn't wake up. Both boys jolt up, looking around before the memories of last night returned and they practically burst into tears. "Hunter! I'm sorry!" they wailed in unison. I sighed at the giant babies in font of me. "Don't worry about it. You two had no controll over what you were doing. The only downside about this situation k's that I'm leaving today and you two have no one to take care of you. Zach, teach Harry the ways, and I will ask my Dad to look after you while I'm gone. Okay?" they nodded in agreement as I slithered to the bathroom to clean myself out. As I finished and slithered out of the room while drying my hair. I slithered upstairs to pack and make breakfast before I had to head out. I grabbed my tattered navy satchel and black gym bag. I placed my precious items in the satchel before I started shoving shirts and accessories in my gym bag. I let Aoi slither onto my shoulder as I slithered into the kitchen and made scrambled eggs and formula for breakfast. I served the scrambled for the toddlers, my friends and boyfriend's at the coffee tables with cushions sitting in font of each bowl. I rung the bell for everyone before taking the trolley full of formula to the babies room. I gave the one's who could hold their own bottles their food first before helping those who can't with theirs. I smiled down at the children. I finished feeding the one's in my arms and jumped them. Checking the children who can drink on their own, burping those who are done before starting on the others. Catrina and Carlisle came in and started helping me feed the rest before we brought them all out of the room. We finished and I checked the sun's position before rushing to say goodbye to everyone and grabbing my bags. I kissed Harry and Zach before slithering as fast as I could to the bargain castle.

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