Chapter 2

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Hunter's P.O.V

I slithered into the bargain castle just as a clock struck twelve. Slithering over to my mother and father as Maleficient walked in with Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos.
As Mal's three friends separated to their own parents, they nodded in my direction. Maleficient and Mal both glared at my father and myself. My mother hissed out a cackle at the underlying longing in Mal and her mothers eyes directed towards my father. I smiled to myself around mother and father's chairs, my head rested on my hands as Aoi coiled around my head. I glanced at my father's longing gaze towards my half-sister.
"Father, why do you have children with crazy ladies?" I queried in hope at finally getting an answer. Maleficient hmphed while mother hissed, her snakes nipping at my arms as punishment. I hissed with pain as their venom coursed through my veins, inflicting only pain. I whined and hid behind father while he chuckled.
"I'm glad your immortal son, but don't insult the women I choose to have children with" he smirked down at me, messing up my hair while I hissed back at him in annoyance, the venom having released it's effect.
"Though I am curious, your own venom hurts me for hours, I wonder if it could kill your mother?" my father smirked in curiosity at what my venom could do and delight at the thought of death.
He started to pry open my mouth and extract some of my venom while Maleficient began to explain how we were to steal Fairy Godmother's wand and release her from the isle so they could get revenge and she could rule the world. Father tugged slightly on my fangs and I ended up biting him on accident, not noticing until I stopped hissing at the ache in my mouth. I sighed and licked the wound so my saliva could stop the venom. "Don't pull on my fangs again" I warned him while smiling as everyone, even mother, shivered at my tone of voice and the fact that father had screamed from the pain. He nodded and bottled the venom he had already collected from my fangs. Maleficient continued her speech while I was put in a trance by Jafar's flute playing, that is, until he stopped to take part in the conversation. I shook my head and heard my mother hiss at Perseus' name and my father at Hercules' name. I coiled the tip of my tail around my mother's and placed my father's hand on my head to calm them both. My mother pushed my tail away while my father clenched at my hair before playing with it with one hand and chanting calming words over and over again. Maleficient told my mother to give me a bracelet and my father to give me a book and pendant while telling the Evil Queen to give Evie the mirror  before complaining about never being able to open the 'safe' or rather fridge, mother motioned for me to go and open it. I followed her orders and opened the fridge before returning to mother and father with hope for praise. Mother flicked my forehead while father returned to playing with my hair.
Mother grabbed my arm and placed an obsideon and silver snake bracelet with diamond eyes on my wrist. It quickly moved to coil around my wrist and bit into the flesh. The diamonds turned blue and the snake turned into a tattoo. I looked at my mother with curiosity. "You are now able to control snakes and have access to Olympus" she smirked. "Make sure you bite Athena for me" she hissed into my ear, I nodded excitedly before turning to father with a smile. He nodded and passed me a pendant with the orb of hellfire inlaid in a skull with a snake coiled around it, he then placed an old leather bound book in my hands.
"Make sure the orb doesn't get wet. The book on the other hand holds spells from before us Olympians were worshipped, it holds demon summoning circles and other powerful spells and summonings. Use them well. also," he handed me a few more books, "study material for you so I can retire as the main king of the Underworld" he smirked down at me.
I smiled back and hugged him before hissing goodbye to my mother and slithering out the door to see a limo waiting for us. I shoved the books into my satchel before grabbing my gym bag and slithering to the door held open by the driver.
He made a repulsed face at the sight of my body, I heard growling and hissing from behind me. I looked back to see my mother, father, Harry and Zack glaring at the man. I moved as fast as I could towards them and coiling my body around Harry and Zack. I wrapped my arms around their necks in a hug before kissing their lips and smiling at them both.
They smirked down at him and kissed me at the same time, Aoi hissing at the two males, fangs bared. I just smiled before uncoiling from them and slithering into the limo.
As Mal and her friends joined him inside, the driver shut the door and got in. I grabbed a book on justice from the many my father gave me and started reading while leaning against the girls legs.
I heard screaming and glared at the four on instinct. I returned to my book once they calmed down, only putting it down at the sound of a school marching band. Putting my book away, I watched as Jay and Carlos fell out of the car when the door opened. Mal and Evie gracefully walked out after them while I just slithered like usual. I heard gasps and the band stop as I came out.
"Have you never seen a naga before" I asked while smiling, letting my fangs show.
A few screams could be heard from the crowd while the other VK's laughed at the terror inflicted by the motherly snake demon.
"Don't chuck a hissy fit, he is literally the mother to all abandoned VK's" Mal cackled at their reaction.
I just turned my glare to her, showing my fangs off more to her.
"And his glare proves that he has taken care of many of the children even though he's sixteen" she chuckles, shivering under my glare.
"I've only taken care of 120 children before some were adopted back by thier older siblings or any people who can't have children" I smiled, dropping my glare and hiding my fangs. They stared at me slightly before moving on to greetings. Mal unsubtly asked Fairy Godmother about her wand then we were introduced to Prince Ben and his girlfriend Princess Audrey. Mal and Audrey started to fight civilly but threateningly, so I decided to intervene.
"Girls, don't talk to each other if you can't be friends, or at least acquaintances" I said smiling with fang.
They nodded reluctantly and shut up, while Prince Ben introduced himself to each of us individually. I didn't shake his hands so I didn't accidently obtain his soul.

As we followed Prince Ben, he startled Carlos by making the statue of his father change from human to beast form. I sighed in longing.
"I wish I could try out two legs" I grumbled under my breath while we walked inside, stopping at a stairway in the foyer.
I shook myself from my thoughts and focused on the son of Dopey, Doug, who is now and forevermore shipped with Evie. I smiled at thier adorableness, Prince Ben and Princess Audrey left down a hallway, I returned my focus to Doug and waited for instructions.
"Here are your schedules and room keys. Girls are to the right and boys to the left. I took my key and class schedule before heading in the same direction as Jay and Carlos. I looked at the numbers on the doors, seeing the number thirteen, I headed for the door and unlocked it.
Inside I saw three beds, looking at the names and titles on the door, I gasped in terror. The son of Perseus and Hercules were my dormmate's. I hissed in startlement when I felt two different hands grip onto my shoulders. I screamed  at the sight of the taller boys in front of me. Darting underneath the bed furthest from the door.
"Hey Percy, I heard we get the son of Medusa as our roommate" the blonde stated to the brunette.
"I also heard that their the son of Hades as well, Harley" he smirks. I shivered at the cruel tone in their voices.
I quickly grabbed my bags and waited for them to move away from the door. They started to slowly move away from the door and towards the bed I was under. I quickly bolted from under the bed and to Jay and Carlos' room. I banged my fists on their door until Jay opened the door and I darted under one of the beds and stayed there shivering. Jay and Carlos laid on their  stomches in front of me.
"What happened?" they questioned.
"The number thirteen is the unluckiest number of them all" is all I replied with, curling up into a ball and hugging my satchel to my stomach while I rested my head on my tail.

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