Jimin's P.O.V pt 2

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*Unedited, probably a decent amount of word gaps*

We all are seated on my couch and the movie we had only started watching was now off. I was seated across from the newly announced couple so I talk first seeing as I'm the reason this whole ordeal is still a secret. I shift nervously in my seat and clear my throat and begin the story.

"So Tae, as you know me and Jungkook dated a while back."

"Yes, Jiminie I'm not stupid I need to know what you two are hiding from me" his voice still raspy from all the crying I caused.

"R-right sorry, ok so one day he was over here and we were spending time together while my dad was at work...and we started doing things that couples do"

I looked at his face and body posture, Tae's I mean, he was visibly tense when I mentioned the things me and Jungkook use to do together but I had to set the scene for the story, I hate this.

  I hate myself for this.

"Me and Jungkook thought my father was going to be out for a couple more hours and we thought we had time" My voice beginning to falter "but while we were kissing he caught us..."

Jungkook looked down obviously reliving the situation in his head as well, whilst Tae just cocked an eye-brow

"So...? The big secret you had to tell me was that you're father caught you two together? That's it?!"

He was getting impatient and I understand why, he didn't know what my father was really like I didn't want him to pity me or make a big fuss about it so I never told him about the beatings I got. It was always I fell or ran into something.

I look to Jungkook to continue since I can no longer trust my voice

"Baby, no. When Jimin's dad found us, he flipped out...he ordered some men in black to drag me out the house and beat me to the point where I was in the hospital while he stayed inside and I can assume did the same things to Jimin since I heard the screaming and shouting before they got me."

I was trying so hard to hold back the tears that were brimming in my eyes.

"Y-yes he beat me pretty badly but that wasn't the only beating I had gotten."

They both look at me with shocked faces.

"W-what? That wasn't the only time?" Jungkooks voice now wavering and tears beginning to pour from Tae's eyes

"J-Jiminie? What other times were there?"

I took a deep breath and wiped the tears that were now tricking like spare water in a faucet

"He beat me for almost a year straight, every night he would tell me how much of a filthy disgrace I was to the family and I would never be his son with the lifestyle I live."

I was stunned that I managed to say the information without stuttering

"Oh my gosh Jimin I had no clue..."

"No, I mean how could you?" I looked at the person who was once my world and sadly smiled and continued talking.

"There's one more thing you should know Tae"

Jungkook shook his head, as if signaling that telling him this was going to be a huge mistake.

"No I need to tell him Kook or I wouldn't be telling the full truth about us"

Tae shifted to face me, the tears drying up again. He faced me head on and waited for me to speak without saying a thing. I mentally prepared myself for the reaction of my best-friend at the news.

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