Chapter 29: Epilogue 1

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It's has been a whole two years since Jimin was locked away with four years worth of time in prison stacked up against him. During the years the public eventually found out what happened and, as you would expect, the company began going through some turmoil. It was hard convincing people to work with them seeing as the former partner was doing time for murder. It was rough getting the bad press off of their image but luckily Jin was managing them well. The number of artists increased, slowly but they had enough people under the label to become an official company. They increased their income enough to get a small company building, nothing to grand but enough for recording equipment and practice space. Yoongi was becoming a name that was very well known along with his alias AGUST D. People loved the rappers tough persona and explicit lyrics, but with that they didn't approve of him still dating the murder, Jimin. He tries to not let the comments get to him because he really does love Jimin but on his worst nights the thoughts of doubt plague his mind, which is why he's still going to therapy. It's not as often as he wishes due to the sheer amount of work that goes into running a company, writing songs and visiting Jimin but it helps him sort some things out.

Ah yes Park Jimin, he's been keeping busy in prison to avoid counting the days until he's out because that would be too depressing. He has made some friends and they protect him from anyone that attempts to harm him in anyway he's a big target because he was the son of Park Minjun, a lot of people dislike the fact that his father was as powerful as he was so they go after the next best thing, his son. Many times he tries to clear things up and remind them that he's there because he killed his father but they don't care because to them he's just the same as his father so his friends make sure that Jimin is kept safe. They listen to the storys that Jimin tells about Yoongi and how amazing he is and how much he loves him, they tell him that the relationship won't be the same after some more time but Jimin refuses to believe them because his Yoongi would never do anything to hurt him. Right? Right.

Yoongi visits Jimin whenever he has time and is always happy to see the younger, even at his worst Jimin is the most stunning individual that the older has ever laid eyes on. They would catch each other up on what's happening in their lives to keep them as in the loop as possible, it's hard though. Listening to the amazing things that are going on out there without him and knowing that he could have been right there with him helping and relieving stress from his lover. It pains him more than he would like to admit.

Right now Yoongi is making his way up to see Jimin for the first time in seven weeks. Yeah, the visits are very sporadic but when he does show up it's the best feeling for the both of them. They are reminding of why they are forcing themselves to go through this emotional hardship. Their love is truly of the purest things on earth.

Yoongi finally pulls up into the facility and is checked in the usual way, metal detectors body searched and stripped of anything valuable before being lead down the cold, bland hallway to the visitation room where he sees the black-haired, his pink faded out, male he's been dying to see. They hug each other tightly until the guard yells a 'that's enough' from the corner. Immediately Yoongi can tell that Jimin's physique has changed, it's thinner.

"Minnie are you ok?"

Jimin looks down for a second before lifting his head

"Y-Yeah things are just getting harder in here. The days move so slow and sometimes I don't eat because the food is so disgusting..I get things from commissary but you can only live on instant noodles for so long" A chuckle escaped his lips

"Stay strong ok? If you need me to visit more often I will, it's just been hectic with all the comebacks we're trying to plan but I will make more time for you Jimin."

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