Chapter 28: Week 19 pt.2

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Today is the day. The night before all their friends came over and they all had a sleepover. It was nice, Jimin spent an entire day with his boyfriend then a whole day with all his friends. It was the day of the trial that would determine Jimin's fate, they all knew he was going to prison but for how long they didn't know. He got a plea deal, meaning he plead guilty for lesser time but his lawyer said that the judge might try to make an example of him and give him the maximum amount of time. It was all very intense and stressful for everyone involved.

Jimin and Yoongi were making their way down to the courthouse and the panic that was racing through the younger's bones rose with each turn, his body was full-blown shaking from him bouncing his leg up and down. The other noticed and placed a hand on his thigh moving his thumb in a soothing motion

"Jimin, don't be so nervous you'll be ok"

The younger looks at his boyfriend whose eyes were still focused on the road. His heart was aching, he wasn't nervous about the trial..he was nervous about how Yoongi would take what he said next


The older hummed as a response still focused on the road.

"I-I don't want you to wait for me..." He could barely get through the sentence with a voice crack

The older didn't respond right away nor did he pull the car over. He just kept driving until they got to the courthouse, which only made Jimin more anxious than he was before. When they got there Yoongi parked the car and grabbed Jimin's jaw firmly making him look at him

"If you think that I would leave you because we can't see each other for a while, then you must have really underestimated our relationship" His voice was somewhat hurt

"Yoonie I didn't think about it that way-"

"Jimin I don't have to be around you all the time to be in love with you..I'll miss you like crazy and it will be hard but I am not giving up on us not even if you start pushing me away-"

"I just don't want you to be unhappy.." Tears began to make their way down his cheeks, he really wants what's best for his boyfriend even if that means they're not together

Yoongi sighs and lets go of Jimin's moving and taking his hands instead

"Jimin I can never be unhappy because I have you in my life whether I see you or not, don't worry about me ok? This is about you and getting you through this tough time it's your time to be selfish."

Jimin couldn't control his emotions at this point with the tears shooting down his face, Yoongi wiped his face and lifted his chin up with his fingers

"Don't cry, we have to be presentable, yea? And remember that no matter what happens I'm right here for you."

The two make their way into the courthouse with hands latched together, preparing for the worst.


Jimin's lawyer was making points that could give him a lesser sentence but it just didn't seem like enough to move the jury in his favor, to them he's cold-hearted murder who killed his own father. How could they erase that picture? It isn't looking well for them at all.

There's a fifteen minute recess from the trial so everyone can collect their thoughts and pull the information together. Jimin ran out of the courtroom out of desperation for some air, it was so hot in the room it was suffocating. Yoongi followed behind his boyfriend and their lawyer came out of the wooden doors after talking to the judge for a bit in his chambers.

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