Chapter 30: Epilogue 2{Final Part}

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Two more years later~

This is it.

This is the day that Park Jimin would walk out of prison and return to society. The last four years have changed him in a way he didn't know was possible. It seemed as if nothing would get better. Yoongi got more and more stacked on his plate to where it was mostly them talking on the phone to each other, even then the conversations were tense and hostile. Jimin felt as though the feelings that Yoongi once had for him were dying and he was becoming more of a burden than anything. It was hard, he felt unloved and ugly, repulsive even, that is until Chan would give him compliments and tell him how amazing he is and how lucky Min Yoongi was to have such an attractive boyfriend. Needless to say there was some infidelity in the relationship on both sides. You see when Yoongi was feeling isolated and lost Hoseok was always there for him, holding and cuddling him tightly which ending up leading to other things. These actions smudged the couple's relationship and it was very hard to trust each other after that so they decided to take a break from dating. They still stayed in contact but they needed to relieve themselves from the guilt that they had because these things were bound to happen.

Jimin was growing closer to Chan and they began to have a very great bond that was enough to keep Jimin going. He would vent to him about his frustrations and tell him things that were happening with Yoongi. Speaking of Yoongi, he decided to not mess around with his best friend anymore, it wasn't right and Hobi has a girlfriend that he loves. He instead buried himself in work for the company and making songs, yes he was still going to therapy but that was the only time where he processed the feelings that he had about the whole situation with Jimin and Hobi. He missed his Jimin so much and things were so stacked against them and as a result he pushed those feelings to the back burner and began to focus on his career and the future of the company, that's all he could do to cope with the situation that they were in.

Now they face a new challenge, seeing each other for the first time in about a year. This was bound to be awkward but Yoongi insisted on picking Jimin up from the prison when he got out. So there he was waiting on the hood of his car in front of the entrance to see a face that he was dying to see. On the contrary to what Jimin thought the older never lost love for him, was he pissed that Jimin cheated? Hell yes, but out of love? No, no matter what his heart would belong to that man.

The gate buzzed and then began to open making Yoongi more anxious than he would appear, he jumps off the hood of the car and stands on his already almost numb legs.

Can he handle this?

What if Jimin is in love with someone else now?

What if he's more fucked up than before?

All the noise subsided when the now tatted Jimin walks through the metal fence. Yoongi nearly lost it when he saw the tattoos on the younger, he really has changed huh? Not quite, you see when Jimin laid eyes on Yoongi all the old memories and feelings came surging back to him. Every kiss they shared, every touch, every small gesture of love, it was like walking through a time capsule of their time together. He began walking quickly to the older, almost jogging because fuck he missed his Yoongi and needed to be wrapped in his arms. When he finally made it to Yoongi he could immediately tell that the older had been working out. He looked at the still raven-haired male that he hadn't seen in such a long time up and down, taking in all of him before looking directly in his eyes.

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