Chapter Twenty

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"And no soul perceives what it will earn tomorrow, and no soul perceives in what land it will die!" Quran 31:34

I swear to the Almighty death comes unannounced, so be afraid for it comes suddenly.

Norahs pov

She's laughing, her laugh so extremely fake like her entire being, she's laughing with absolutely no humor i am not even sure if I'll call it a 'laugh'.

"What now? Cat caught your tongue?" Zahra says while clapping her hands.

"She doesn't have your time." Molly says rolling her eyes, she is sitting on my bed.

I shook my head and continue reading my note, both molly and lizzy are on my bed with me on the bedside table.

We have test tomorrow in shaa Allah and we're studying but Zahra had to come in to disturb our peace, claiming that lizzy took her phone and deleted Rays phone number, i am not even sure if she has his number because he doesn't like her.

Lizzy didn't say anything to her.

"Lizzy c'mon now, speak up." Zahra says coming closer to us.

"Girl respect yourself please and leave." I said writing an equation we're about to solve.

Gosh mathematics is my weak point.

"Last time i checked this is also my room." Zahra says sitting on her bed.

"So Lizzy why will you delete Raymonds number? Don't trust your man?" Zahra questions with a wink.

"For the love of Allah Zahra this world doesn't revolve around guys okay?" I said rolling my eyes.

She starts laughing again, God i hate her laugh; "Says the girl who is chasing that nerd." Wait, what?

She's not talking to me is she?

"Jesus Christ." Molly whispers.

I pack all of our books and stood up, if we really don't have her time we shouldn't be answering her.

With books in my hand i exit the room, molly trail behind me and Lizzy was the last to come out, she probably talked sense into Zahra, goodness that girl is a shame to humanity.

Chasing the nerd?

The hell does she mean?

Whatever the hell she means i am mad at that nerd, i roll my eyes.

We walk to the school garden and continue studying for our test.


Allah is my witness I've never seen Yunus so scared like this, what did those so called bigger kids did to my brother?

He is sitting at the edge of my bed quietly, he has finished telling me about what those bullies are doing to him, his voice almost broke at the end of his story.

Who on earth do they think they are? They have no right to bully people, so what if he is a Muslim? So what if he prefer soccer to basketball? Do they think that everyone needs to be or think like them? I swear i will slap the living day lights in them if i see them.

"It's okay Yunus, you shouldn't let what they do to say get to y-"

"I'm sorry but that's like too late." He says looking away.

He is hurt.

You can tell.

"Yunus they're not worth it." I said softly moving closer to him, wrapping my arms around him, he lean on me.

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