🚇🚉Subway Brawl

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Once they reached the Subway Neo had Morpheus go first and as Morpheus was being sucked into the payphone receiver Elysium noticed a homeless man in the corner she walks over and offers him a sandwich that she had in her white trench coat's pocket in a Ziploc bag Neo watches her and smiles as he places the receiver back and Elysium starts a conversation with the homeless man trying to calm his fears so that the agents don't feel it as Trinity tells Neo "Neo, I want to tell you something.... but I'm afraid of what it could mean if I do"  the phone rings and she continues "everything the Oracle told me has come true everything but this"  Neo asks as a train passes through "but what?"  instead of answering Trinity stares at him and the phone rings again "Thomas!!"  Elysium shouts with a worried tone as she stands up and backs away from the homeless man once she sees the Matrix code flow along his face Neo and Trinity look over and see a agent stand up and walk towards Elysium Trinity picks up the receiver as it rings again then she places her hand up against the pay phone window as the agent points his gun at her and shoots the bullet hits the receiver just after Trinity gets taken back to the Neb the agent goes through Elysium as though she wasn't even there as he continues walking towards Neo who stares in shock as he watches what transpired "the homeless man!.... he must have somehow blocked me from his program before the agent took over!"  Elysium explains Neo nods a small unseen nod "Mr. Anderson"  the agent known as Smith says Elysium looks at Neo who signals her to stay put Neo and Smith have a western showdown in the subway and Elysium rushes over to one of the posts by the subway track and hides behind it as Neo takes the first shot and runs towards Smith while still shooting at him luckily Smith moves in the opposite direction than Elysium did as he rushes towards Neo shooting back they jump at each other bullets still flying in the air as they grip each others wrists and fall onto the concrete ground "you're empty"  Smith says pointing his gun at Neo's temple "so are you"  Neo replies coping his motion Elysium chuckles softly Neo jumps back up flipping and spinning as he does then he lands on his feet as Smith stands up then tosses his gun aside and Neo tosses his gun as Smith pulls on the lips of his suit jacket and cracks his neck then Neo rushes towards him and the "true" fight begins fists and feet Agent vs Neo....

"They're blue!.... I never would have guessed!"  Elysium whispers softly as she looks into Smith's eye after one of the lenses break on his sunglasses "I'm going to enjoy watching you die.... Mr. Anderson"  Smith says as he takes off his sunglasses then he rushes towards Neo and the fight begins again.... Elysium rushes towards Neo as he flies backwards she catches him before he hits the ground and she lands on her ass with him in her lap "shh.... don't draw attention to me or the protection will break!"  she whispers as she combs her fingers through his hair he nods "now cough"  she orders he looks at her oddly "in his program I don't exist so I'm guessing you hit the ground pretty hard.... I'm gonna have bruises after this aren't I!?!"  she half teases he chuckles then rolls off her lap and coughs programmed blood spills from his mouth and he looks over at Smith who stares back with a dark expression on his face but as she predicted there was no sign that he saw her and to make sure it stays that way Neo stands up wipes the "fake" blood from his lips gets into a fighting stance then moves his hand beckoning in a "come and get me" dare sort of way Smith takes him up on his offer and rushes towards him once more and the fight resumes.... Elysium flinches as she watches Smith continuously punch Neo in the stomach with both fists as fast as his programming allowed she knew that since he could not sense her she couldn't help without giving herself away and Neo would never forgive her if she did that she watches as Smith drags Neo by the ankle towards the subway track and tosses him into it then walks over to the edge, looks down at him then after checking to see if the train was coming yet he jumps down and grips Neo's neck Neo looks up at Elysium's sad eyes and his eyes beg her not to interfere she nods her head towards the tunnel he looks at her confused then hears Smith say "do you hear that, Mr. Anderson? that is the sound of inevitability that is the sound of your death goodbye, Mr. Anderson"  Neo looks at the two lights heading their way and replies "my name.... is Neo"   Elysium softly coos with a playfully teasing tone and a raised eyebrow "oh is it now!?!"  Neo jumps up with Smith slung along his back Smith's back hits the tunnels roof once Neo lands he back-flips out of the tunnel just as the train gets closer and he lands next to Elysium who grips his arm and helps him gain his balance as Smith stands up just in time to get hit by the train Neo takes Elysium's hand and they run out of the Subway before Smith could return most likely taking over the driver of the train they don't make it very far and Neo stops when he hears the trains breaks squeal to a stop he turns and sees Smith walk out of the train then starts running once more taking Elysium with him....

Neo steals someone's phone as they rush past him then dials for the "Operator" Tank "Mr. Wizard get us the hell out of here!"  Neo says into the phone as they run Elysium softly chuckles as Tank replies "got a patch on an old exit, Wabash and Lake"  she asks "that's near the street market right?!"  just then she and Neo stop as the road becomes crowded with people "I just had to say something!"  she mutters Neo chuckles then they start running through the crowd Elysium kept excusing them and apologizing as they rushed past people like their asses were on fire "the prodigal son returns!"  Elysium jokingly mutters as Smith shoots at them Neo chuckles shaking his head "uh help! need a little help"  Neo says into the phone once they enter a empty alley he turns to see three agents running towards them "the door"  Tank replies Neo turns rushes towards the door behind them then kicks in just as Smith shoots at them yet again Neo runs up the stairs with Elysium right behind him since he has yet to let go of her hand once they reach the top they run down the hallways "door on your left"  Tank says into the phone Neo starts to go one way but Elysium pulls him in the other direction knocking the door in with her shoulder just as Smith who was standing at the other end of the hallway shoots at them "smart girl!"  Neo hears Tank say softly "sorry!"  Elysium says to the man in the apartment who was sitting in a chair watching t.v. then she looks at Neo and says as they continue running "I was wondering why our key didn't work!"  Neo chuckles softly with a smile "you don't think they can come through the t.v. do you!?!"  she whispers "worse they become grandma!"  Elysium mutters as the woman in the kitchen turns into a agent and throws a steak knife at them as she leads Neo to the back door and they run down the fire escape stairs

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