🐰 DON'T 👣Follow 🐾The White Rabbit🐇

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Thomas A Anderson aka Neo watched from his doorway as a pair of sexy athletic feminine legs walked in his direction he couldn't see the rest of her body for it was hidden by a large seemingly heavy box "here let me help you with that!"  he says as...

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Thomas A Anderson aka Neo watched from his doorway as a pair of sexy athletic feminine legs walked in his direction he couldn't see the rest of her body for it was hidden by a large seemingly heavy box "here let me help you with that!"  he says as he rushes over to the box with legs closing his door behind him he gently grips the box his hands accidentally covering the hands that hold it and a small pleasant electric current flows through his body as his strong hands end up covering her soft ones "thank you!"  a soft muffled ethereal voice says from the other side of the box and he feels the pair of hands slide out from under his his body feels slightly disappointed that they moved away but he becomes distracted by the weight of the box as it gets moved from her to him and his dark brown eyes meet the bright silver ones of the most radiantly gorgeous woman he has ever laid eyes on "names Elysium"  he hears her say waking him up "Thomas"  he replies he starts to reach for her hand to shake it then remembers that he was holding the box so he asks "where are we going with this?!"  she replies "apartment 104"  they start walking down the hall towards her apartment as she continues talking "your landlord seemed overly eager to rent it out to me for from what I understand the person who lived there before had just been evicted I spent the past few days cleaning out both their stenches with one too many breaks inbetween because it was so disgusting and have finally just started to be able to move my stuff in yet if I can't get this finished today I still won't be able to sleep in much less call it home!"  he hears her unlock and open a door and he walks into the apartment "set it wherever I still got more to bring in.... thank you Thomas"  she tells him "I'll help and you're welcome"  he replies "oh don't do that then I'll owe you dinner!"  she teases he chuckles then he follows her out of the apartment, down the hall, into the elevator and out of the building where a U-Haul waits to be emptied he spends the next few hours helping her unload then move everything in and around her apartment then leaves to go rest.... by her order since he looked tired.... he had no idea what made him start to leave his apartment besides the fact that he needed to give his eyes a rest from staring at his computer screen.... which he stupidly left on as he walked towards his apartment door.... for hours on end but he was glad he did for he was sure an introvert like him would have missed her and quite possibly never met her because he always kept to himself and rarely ever left his apartment unless it was to go to work....

Thomas was shocked to see Elysium walk towards him as he stood by himself at the club "dance with me?!"  she says reaching her hand out to him as his eyes wandered over her gorgeously sexy figure in the mini dress she was wearing "if you dance wit...

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Thomas was shocked to see Elysium walk towards him as he stood by himself at the club "dance with me?!"  she says reaching her hand out to him as his eyes wandered over her gorgeously sexy figure in the mini dress she was wearing "if you dance with me I will consider it "proper" payment for your help today.... or would you prefer me taking you out for dinner?!"  she asks he chuckles softly then takes her hand and she gently leads him out to the dance floor "I never would have thought this would be your kind of scene!"  he says as they dance "yours either! you looked so uncomfortably out of place by the wall and I needed a break from unpacking anyway and being that don't know anything about this city I heard about this place from many of our neighbors.... apparently the guy next door to me is the DJ here.... and I thought I'd give it a try and realized I hated it from the moment I stepped foot inside! then saw you and thought I would try to make things a little better by joining you in your misery though I don't think your stalkers too happy with my decision!"  he laughs then looks over at the black haired woman in a sleeveless leather catsuit staring at them "did I make it better?!"  he hears Elysium ask and he turns his attention back to her as she says "if you'd rather go see why she's stalking you then....!"  he let's out a short soft chuckle then says with a smile "yes you did! and no I don't!"  she replies "I don't think she'll leave you alone till you....!"  he says "then I will find out later! she smiles they finish their dance then go their separate ways her back to her apartment through the front door him to go meet his "stalker" by doing as Elysium suggested and walking out the back door "I don't think she'll like the fact that we'd left together and I'm pretty sure whatever she wants is private.... she wouldn't have chosen an overly crowded and obnoxiously noisy place if it wasn't!"  Elysium says before they part he looks at her oddly his expression asking her how she knew he was "told" to come here but he didn't say anything just watched her walk away from him then left the club himself and the woman who was stalking him was indeed waiting for him in the alley a woman he found out is named Trinity

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