Why him?

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Hi, I am new at writing stories. I am speaking german so if there are some mistakes it's because I am not perfect at English. But I just love reading English so I also want to write English.

It's Harry's fourth year in Hogwarts and Dumbledore has already told the students about the triwizard tournament and how to get a champion.

"It's really sad that we can't take part at the tournament, isn't it?", Ron spoke with his mouth filled with food. "Stop it Ron! It's disgusting to see pieces of a biscuit falling out of your mouth while you are talking!", Hermione moaned. But Harry didn't listen to them. All he could think of was a chilled school year with no trouble at all. No one yelling at him for breaking the rules. Just looking at the champions risking their lives and hoping for Hogwarts to win. But he had to think of quidditch too. No playing for one year, this means no deflection of the school.

On the other hand was Draco who had different problems which had nothing to do with the school. He thought about one person who meant everything to him. But before he could look at him more closely, the perfect of Slytherin told the house to go to their dungeon and so he did.

Harry, Ron and Hermione also went to their common room and got fast asleep. They had a peacefully and dreamless sleep. The next day Harry's first class was potion which he hated. He didn't want to eat breakfast so he stayed in the Gryffindor common room till he had to go. On the way down to the classroom, he felt that someone was staring at him. But when he turned round, there was no one even noticing him.

Draco noticed that Harry wasn't eating breakfast today and he started to get worried because Harry was already very skinny. So he told Crabbe and Goyle that he is going to the bathroom and hid at the edge of the corridor in front of the Gryffindor entrance, waiting for the golden trio to go. As soon as he saw that they went down to the dungeon, he followed them calmly. Why do I do such dumb things for stupid Harry Potter? And why can't I stop looking at you and your fluffy, black and wonderful hair?

After potions, Harry had to stay longer in class, because he messed up and had to clean it. He told Ron and Hermione that they should go and he is going to get this. Harry didn't notice that he was not alone, until he bumped into a figure who immediately jumped back. It took him a moment to realize whom he bumped in.

"What are you doing in here?!", Harry yelled at Draco who looked frozen. "I have to tidy up my place! But I don't have to ask you why you are here, since you're not the best in making potions", Draco answered while he giggled. "Haha, very funny-", Harry said in a cool and bored tone," - Anyways, I think the great Draco Malfoy has better things to do than talking with me". Harry rolled his eyes and continued tidying up. "Actually not!", Draco answered with a nervous smile. "I am actually bored and talking with Crabbe and Goyle is not very interesting so I look for someone to talk to", Malfoy said and grinned. Harry has just gotten ready with cleaning and spoke while he looked into Draco's wonderful silver eyes:"What do you want?" "How I said I just want to talk to you about this and that", Malfoy answered looking deeply into Harry's eyes. The boys were standing close and Harry could feel Draco's breath on his cheeks and he blushed. Draco noticed that and came even closer to Harry so they were  touching. Potter froze and smelled Draco's  perfume which tasted wonderful. He didn't want this moment to end. "Draco I-", he cut himself off because all of a sudden Hermione came in, took Harry's hand and stormed out of the class without saying a word.

This was wonderful and I could hardly hold back from kissing Harry. How he looked at me with a kinda nervous but enjoying glance. My heart melted.

Harry was also thinking about Draco and this moment. He really enjoyed it but... I am so confused about my feelings. Draco is my enemy but at this moment I may had feelings for him that I never had for anyone else before.

So I really hope you like this because I definitely do.

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