You are the one I need

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I hope you liked this story so far. Now fourth part<3 and if there are some mistakes I hope you know that I am not a native speaker.

Harry was laying in his bed. He couldn't sleep because of what happened today. I really wanted to kiss you my enemy, but in this moment I didn't think that we hate each other. I don't now what's happening tomorrow, but I think it will be good. And what will Snape think of us. Did he see us, standing so close and not thinking of the consciences? Will he tell anyone? And what will the other students say? Harry thought about everything till he fell in a calm and dreamless sleep.

Draco was also laying in his bed and thinking. I freaking love you Potter, but how should I tell you? I know, you don't have feelings for me, but today when we nearly- Draco felt how he blushed and he had to smile when he thought of what they did -kissed. You looked like you wanted it too. And how you pulled me close to you. Draco groaned silently, so nobody could hear it. I want you, Harry, more than anything. It took Draco a couple of minutes to fall asleep with wonderful dreams about Harry.

The next day began how every other day for Harry recently. He got out of his bed, put on his clothes and went to breakfast. When he came to the great hall, some people stopped talking and began to whisper while looking at him. Harry rarely ate lately, because he lost his appetite when everyone thought he was a liar. So he went to his first lesson very quick.

Draco was also in the dining room, but he ate as usually. When he looked up of his plate, he noticed once again that Harry left a minute after he came. And so he got worried, but luckily he would talk to Potter anyways. After Malfoy finished, he also went to his first class.

It was really boring and Harry nearly fell asleep again, but finally the lesson ended. Potter had his free lesson now and that means he would talk to Draco. He packed his bag and ran out of the room. Hermione looked as he went down the corridors, but she thought, she shouldn't ask and so she did. Harry just wanted to get to the room of requirement as fast as he could. After a few minutes of trying to get there without talking to someone (which was not very difficult because no one really liked him) Harry arrived. He opened the door and saw a pale boy with light hair standing there.

Draco jumped as he heard the door opening. "Hey", the familiar voice of Potter said. "Hey", Draco answered and looked into Harry's bright green eyes. There was a moment of silence, where the boys looked at each other's eyes. "Why do you rarely eat?" Draco asked but Harry just stood there. "It doesn't matter!", he answered. "Yes, it does!", Draco said firmly."No it doesn't and why do you care?What am I to you?", Harry asked. Draco wanted to say something but cut it off, till he finally whispered:"I-I can't tell y-you." "Why?", Potter asked and touched Malfoy's cheek, which let both of them blush. "C-cause you do not-. You feel not-", Draco tried to tell him but he couldn't. "What do I not feel?", Harry asked again.

Draco turned round and made a few steps away from Potter. Then he looked again into Harry's eyes, which had a hint of despair in them. A tear fell down Draco's face and he broke down. Sobbing and crying, he fell onto the hard floor. There he laid down, punching himself for showing how weak he is in front of Harry. This was the first time, Harry saw Malfoy crying. Normally Draco was confident and didn't look interested in anything. In fact he didn't show many feelings but Harry loved to see another side of Draco. At first he was a bit confused, but he knew what to do so he sat down beside him and laid Malfoy's head in his lap. "It's okay. You don't have to say something", Harry whispered. He went through Draco's hair which he thought would be stickier and laid one of his hands on Draco's chest caressing it softly. He could feel Draco's heart beating fast as if it wanted to jump out. Malfoy took some deep breaths which Harry could feel and slowly he calmed down, even if he still was crying.He looked up to Harry who still went through his hair which was very comforting and gave Draco a cosy feeling. Why does Harry care for me?Draco sat up and soon they were standing again.
Malfoy put his arms around Harry and pulled him into a tight hug which made Harry put his hands around Draco's waist. "Thanks for-", Draco whispered but he couldn't talk more because Harry put a finger on Draco's mouth to show him he should be quiet. Then he pressed his lips on Draco's who immediately kissed back. What did I do and why do I kiss Draco? And why does he kiss me back? It is like my body told me to do this. Harry opened his mouth a bit and Draco slid his tongue into Potter's mouth. They were fighting who dominates which costed Draco five seconds to win. Malfoy pressed Harry against a wall and came as close as he could to Potter. Harry put one hand away from Draco's waist up to his cheek. Draco was surprised how gently Harry kissed and touched him. After a moment of amazing kisses and touches, Harry broke it and kissed down to Malfoy's neck. He found Draco's weak spot and kissed harder. Draco moaned and whispered Harry's name a couple of times each followed by a soft moan. Then he took Harry on his chin and kissed him on his lips again. After an intensive kiss, Malfoy kissed Harry on his cheek and down to his jawline. He knew it was right when Harry also started to moan and after a couple of moans they broke it and looked into each other's eyes. Both smiled and blushed. Draco looked on his watch and spoke, still dizzy of what happened:"We have to go now. Our next lesson starts soon. But I really want to meet you again. How about tomorrow in the library after our last class?" Harry nodded and they said their goodbyes, going back to their friends.

When Harry came back to Hermione for his next lesson he was still blushed and thought about Draco. I don't know what this was but it felt so good. I would love to do it again. Hermione noticed Harry's blush, but she knew that he would just get angry when she would ask why. So she let it and acted as usual.

As Draco came back, Pansy noticed his blush and asked him where he was in his free lesson. "Something unbelievable happened.",Draco answered with a big smile. And he told her the whole story of what happened. I didn't know that you feel the same way as I do but I love that you do.

In the evening, both Harry and Draco fell into a wonderful sleep and were looking forward to the next day.

Okay so this was kinda exiting<3 and yeah I know that they are just like 14 years old but it's Drarry so it's okay. Please tell me if you liked this part because I am not sure about this one.

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