Free? Not really

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12th part <3 not native, mistakes,... u know

Draco woke up and looked around. He was dizzy and tried to remember what happened. Malfoy jumped at the thought of his father, torturing him, as he noticed that he was tied on a chair and next to him was Harry also tied on. How can we escape? But we still need our wands...what if they broke them...and what will they do next? "I see you woke up my dear son", Lucius spoke laughing. "Don't call me like that! After everything you've done, you still think you can call me your son?", Draco replied angry. He couldn't believe what just happened. The taste of blood in his mouth made him feel even worse. But the worst was seeing his boyfriend in this condition: tied on a chair, bruises all over his body and his face red of the blood. What have I done to you? All the pain is just because I can't protect you anymore, I couldn't even protect you of my damn father. I love you...but the pain I cause you is too much. "What are you going to do now? Kill me? Kill your own son? Would you go that far?", Draco yelled at Lucius who smiled at him. "You don't know how far I can go my boy. Do you still want to have a relationship with this...guy. See what you do to him. See what trouble you bring him. Do you want him to die?", Mr Malfoy said rough.

In the meantime Harry woke up and talked with a shaky voice:"D-Don't listen to him. Draco...Draco I love you" "Don't you dare it to talk like this with my son.", with that Lucius punched at Potter's nose which was already broken. Harry didn't move, in fact, it didn't hurt him anymore. After the cruciatus curse, nothing hurt him anymore. "STOP! I'll do whatever you want me to. But stop punching him. It's all my fault",Draco begged. "Alright two can go, but I got spies who will tell me everything you do. EVERYTHING! If I ever see you talking again, I will not wait to kill you...both!", Lucius offered and Draco agreed. Harry wasn't happy about it but nodded, although he wanted to kiss Draco when they're out of this.

The death eater who brought them here also took them back and soon, they were under the tree again. The sun raised up and it was pretty warm . The boys were still confused and dizzy of what happened. "Draco, I-", Harry began but Malfoy cut him off: "No! Didn't you listen? We need to keep distance. Believe me, I still feel the same as we made out in the room of requirement, but I need to protect you. Look at you! All the bruises I cause you, all the blood you left there, for me." Draco turned around and went off. "Stop, STOP! Draco Malfoy I dare you to stop! I freaking don't care what your old man is going to do. If he kills me? Fine! Tortures me? Fine! The worst torture I could imagine is not talking to you anymore. These bruises are not cause of you, I knew what I was doing. I NEED YOU", Harry shouted at his boyfriend. "No, I can't risk that. Everywhere I go, I leave scars. Let me go and don't think of me anymore!", with that, Draco left and didn't listen to Harry who screamed his names multiple times. You don't realize that you're risking your life for me. We need to keep distance, even if this is gonna be the hardest decision of my life.

The boys went both separate from each other to the hospital wing, where they met Hermione and Pansy who looked normal again. The girls were cuddling like nothing happened and greeted Potter and Malfoy who didn't answer. Mrs Pomfrey didn't want to ask where the wounds come from cause of the sight in both of the boys eyes.
They had to stay there for some nights and Harry tried to talk to his boyfriend (?) multiple times. But Draco's curtain were closed and he ignored the other boy. There was an uncomfortable silence all of the time. It was horrible for both of them.
I have to ignore you, but when you look at my bed with those sad eyes and literally beg at me to talk to breaks my heart. Why? Why did I fall in love with you?

Why do you do that to me? I can't stand this anymore! I need you!

I am really sorry for not updating this story. And I don't know when the next update is gonna come. I wish you a great day and stay healthy!
Word count: 810 words

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2020 ⏰

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