Truth or dare

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10th part<3 you know: not first language, mistakes and so on...

It didn't take long till Draco came with a bright smile back to his boyfriend. Behind him was an extremely nervous girl with a strange glance. Pansy tried to hide behind Malfoy so that Harry and especially Hermione can't see her. "Here we are!", Draco greeted Granger and sat down next to Potter. He laid his head into Harry's lap and looked up to his crush into those bright green eyes. Potter remembered the one time they were laying like that and blushed of the thought to kiss Draco like they did in the room of requirement.
Meanwhile Pansy waved at them and simply said hello. You could see that she was extremely nervous and not as confident as she was normally. Harry wanted her to feel comfortable and so he started to talk to her: "Hey, Pansy! How are you? Take a seat!" Harry didn't know what to say so he asked kinda basic questions. Parkinson did what Harry told her to do and sat down next to Hermione. She looked at Grangers wild hair which were everywhere but not where they should be. "Your hair", Pansy spoke with a soft voice and laughed. She took a brush out of her robe and combed Grangers hair which was pretty hard. Hermione enjoyed the gently touches of Pansy in her hair and sometimes in her face. Parkinson's hands were cold but soft and Hermione stared at her and into her eyes. The girls were looking into each other's eyes and came really close for just "combing".

Harry was confused why the girls aren't fighting or screaming, so he leaned back a bit to see his best friends face better. He saw a glance that he has never seen before on Hermione's face. And why were they so freaking close?
Draco noticed his boyfriend's expression and pulled him into a kiss. Slowly their lips were touching and Potter accepted the request to stop overthinking. While they kissed, Harry was also laying down to his crush and pulled him closer. They nearly forgot that they weren't alone if the girls wouldn't have giggled that loud. "What is it?",Draco asked still looking at Harry. "Nothing", Pansy said and giggled even more. "You guys are just...cute", Hermione spoke and smiled. The boys looked at each other, both confused why girls are like...that?

There was a moment of awkward silence when Hermione finally broke it: "So what do we want to do now?" "What about playing truth or dare?", Pansy suggested. "Yes, let's play! But wich version do you guys want?", Draco agreed.
"What do you mean which version? There are two?", Harry was confused.
"Yes, there are. The magical and the muggle one", Draco explained
"What is the difference?"
"If you choose truth, at the magical one, and you lie, you are going to get a punishment. If you choose dare and you don't do what you should, you are getting punished too"
"What do you mean, punishment?"
"A spell, a curse,... I mean you are not gonna die but you may get the cruciatus curse. So never lie, okay?"
Harry froze at the idea of getting the torturous curse, so he promised himself to never lie.
"So is everyone in?", Draco finally asked and after everyone agreed they took each other hands. They were sitting in a circle and grabbing each other's hands while Draco said a spell. A white, nearly clear band held them together so they couldn't let go. It was really tight around their arms and it even got tighter when Draco slowly came to an end. After what felt like hours, Malfoy finished the spell and the play started. "So I am gonna start! Truth or dare, Harry?",Draco's voice was strong. "Truth", Harry answered but he was not nearly as confident as his boyfriend. "Do you want to befriend with Ron again?", Malfoy seemed as he wanted to ask Harry this question for a while. "In the moment, no. But I hope I'll get on well with him again but this only works if he apologizes!", Harry got angry very fast and his voice was shaking of anger. "Hey, everything is okay. It was just a question. I am sorry", Draco was worried and thought of better not asking him a question like this again. He leaned to his boyfriend and give him a gently kiss. "No, it's not your fault. So let's move on now. Truth or dare, Hermione?", Harry was happy about the touches Draco give him but was also interested in the game. "I'll also take truth", Hermione seemed exited and couldn't even sit calm. That made Pansy to sit behind Granger and give her a hug which brought Hermione to lay her head on Parkinson's hand. "You never tell me anything about you love life so I want to know: Who is your crush?", Harry was more confident now even if he was confused of what the girls did. "I have no crush", Hermione answered extremely nervous and smiled strangely. "You are a really bad liar, you know?", Harry looked at what will happen and suddenly Hermione was laying on the floor and her whole body was trembling of pain. She screamed and cried and couldn't say a word. "Let it stop! LET IT STOP!!", Pansy grabbed Grangers hand and yelled at Draco. "I can't and you know why. It only stops when you say the truth!", Draco answered and was shaking as well. "I...I got a c-crush on P-P-Pansy...", Hermione stumbled silent. All of sudden it stopped and Hermione wasn't in pain anymore even if she was still laying on the floor and looked around to their reactions. There was an awkward silence and Pansy still held Grangers hand. "I...I like you too", Pansy finally broke it and looked deeply into Hermione's eyes.
"I mean I really like you.", Pansy continued.
"Really?", Hermione sat up and was really close to Parkinson now.
"Yes, I do"
"Oh my gosh"
"Yeah, I know but if you-", Pansy couldn't continue anymore because a pair of lips kissed her. She kissed back and they were gently pulling each other closer. Granger put her hands around Parkinson's waist and the girls were kissing really intense.
Meanwhile Draco and Harry were staring at each other in confusion. "Should we-", Potter started but Malfoy cut him off:"No, we shouldn't. They deserve their happiness as much as we do. I know Hermione didn't support you at the beginning but if you don't support her now, you are not better. I just know that Pansy is my best friend and she deserves everything." "I think we should do the same cause I want to know how this feels", Harry suggested. "I suppose so", Malfoy agreed and soon they found their selfs in lovely kisses and touches again.

You wanted Pansmione and here we go<3 Sorry for not updating this story in a while, but I want to update it again soon:) Please tell me if you liked it UvU

By the way, I drew the picture by my self. It was my first try of drawing on a tablet and it's not a graphic tablet, it's just a normal one and I didn't have a pen or sth so don't hate, thanks.-.

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