a few things at the beginning (and first chapter)

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At the beginning i just wanted to say that english isn't my native language and because of that i'm sorry for any mistakes , therefor i don' pay much attention to spelling so i'm sorry 

but i hope that whoever reads this enjoys my crappy story but i don't think anyone will read this i'm just doing this for fun anyways, have fun reading this 

it is a cold winter morning as Gerard is on the way to the coffee shop he visits every morning. As he walked in the little bell on the door rang and the employee greeted him "as always?" he asked gerard as he saw him walking in an Gerard just noded. as he got his coffee Gerard payed for it and went oout of the shop after he said goodbye. he then walked down the street to the book shop where he worked. Gerard always loved comics so he quite enjoyed his job in the little book shop. he sat down and did some work on the computer as he heard someone entering the shop, he looked up to see who it was but couldnt regonise the face so he just ignored the man just like the other people which entert before him. the well looking man also known as frank iero entered the shop because he looked for a special book and so he looked around but he could not find it so he went to Gerard which is still sitting on his chair and doing his work. as frank cleared his throat gerard looked up at him "can i help you?" he asked him as he now looks in his hazel brown eyes and frank nodded a bit "yeah i'm looking for a book but i can#t find it anywhere so i wanted to know if you have it here" he answered gerard with a little smile on his lips and layed his eyes on gerard as he looked the book up "i'm sorry but we don't have this book but i can order it then you can pick it up tomorrow" Gerard answered him and ripped him out of his thoughts and frank just nodded "no problem,then i'll see you tomorrow" frank said with a wink and a smile on his lips "my name's frank" he said to gerard and looked at him a last time  before he leaves the shop and gerard confused behind. gerard did as frank said and ordered the book and got back to work but something was it about frank that gerard just could not resist and so he had to think about him the whole day after frank had left

in the evening around 9pm gerard closed the shop and got home after he made sure nobody was in the shop anymore. on the way home gerard just could not stop thinking about frank and it drove him crazy because gerard has a deep secret nobody knows about, there were rumors about a seriall killer in town and gerard smiles as he thought about it , these weren't just rumors this were true storys gerard knew it because he killed all the innocent people, well they were not innocent in gerards eyes they were all people who bulliednhim in school or just were mean to him, but there actually were a few gerard killed just for fun cause he needed a victim which screams for merci, this is what he likes but nobody is suspecting him as a murderer, he is just an innocent outcast or that's what the people are believing in.

so gerard continiued his way home ,he doesn't live somewhere fancy he actually lives in the woods offside the town but not to far away so he can get his victims quick to his house. as he comes home he put off his jacket and his shoes before he got to his basement and on his computer to find out more about the boy named frank iero.

(so it's my first chapter i hope you like it 

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