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—you mark, i kill

"i cannot believe— i need to take my pills..." jimin said as he paced around his penthouse lounge area. it was connected to the kitchen with a simple, wide hardwood flood. he basically skated across it with the black socks that covered his feet. he rummaged through his kitchen's medicine cabinet, in hopes to find a bottle of his prescription meds.

"calm down jimin," taehyung said, as he followed his frantic friend into the kitchen. jimin has been acting up ever since he teleported into the penthouse. taehyung was waiting for him there like normal, hoping to discuss business, but jimin didn't seem to be in the right state of mind. he was far from it.

"i'm trying... i'm sorry," jimin emphasized as he hurriedly opened the bottle of his pills. he poured the white drugs onto the countertop, letting them spill in a small spaced across it and picked out two of them. taehyung silently watched as the navy haired male put the pills on his tongue and swallowed them without water. the male sighed as he put the pills back in the bottle for jimin and then back into the cabinet. he didn't mind the feeling of his pills sticking to his throat because his mind was elsewhere.

"you just chage to calm down it's not like they knew you have... allodynia or whatever," taehyung said, sitting up on one of the countertops.

"it's not allodynia..." jimin mumbled.

"whatever it is causes you to scream when you're being touched, it's like simple contact always put you in pain..." taehyung sighed. "maybe you can go to the hospital for it."

"i'm park jimin and i don't do hospitals," the other stated. taehyung rolled his eyes.

"sure... you scream whenever someone touches you, you reject handshakes, you're gonna have no sex life if you're like this," he joked.

"you think i give a damn about sex?" jimin asked in a breathy tone.

"who knows, one day you might find someone," taehyung shrugged. jimin only sighed at his friend.

"i've already done it anyway... back in high school at least... when this wasn't so severe..." jimin said while his voice trailed into silence.

"you're just stubborn, on top of that..." taehyung began to talk again. "you refuse hospitals when you clearly need it because... everything hurts you... mentally at least, yet you can't hurt yourself... isn't that odd..." he said in thought.

"yeah well i didn't create me," jimin mumbled, walking over to the couch. taehyung followed.

"no, your mom and dad did and you know how?"

"taehyung shut up."

"they had sex."

"you're seriously getting on my nerves."

"what? are you gonna murder me or something?"

"maybe," jimin's tone was a little too serious to be taken lightly. it almost put taehyung in a small kind of shock upon hearing the sincerity laced in his friend's voice.

jimin sighed, inhaling and exhaling a deep breath. he covered half of his face with on of his hands, rubbing it slightly. he was trying to clear his mind, calm himself down. sometimes he didn't think over the words he said. "no... i'm sorry tae, i didn't mean that..."

"nah... i'm sorry for making dumb jokes like that... let's not fight anymore yeah?" taehyung said, nearly forgetting what their conversation was about when he held out his hand for jimin to shake. but jimin's eyes stared blankly at the hand. that's when taehyung realizes what he was doing and pulled his hand back. "ahh... i've been with you for years and i always find myself in this situation..."

taehyung noticed the other's silence. the gaze that was locked onto the fluffy grey carpet spread on the wooden floor. it was like jimin to verbally shut down in such ways. usually it meant he was thinking deeply about something, or maybe his mind was blank for the moment. but whatever it was, something was running through that mind of his at high speeds.

"just take the day off jimin... you suffered enough... forget your job today..." taehyung mumbled.

jimin's lip only quivered. the dark haired male sighed. he rose from the couch, then looked at jimin. so many problems he had... the ones he refused to face. whether he became insane or whether he was born that way, he refused in his mind to accept that he wasn't normal.

"i'm going now... i hope you can take time to yourself..." taehyung said. jimin still remained unresponsive.

with another sigh of regretfulness and defeat, taehyung began making his way to the door.

"mark him," jimin muttered, causing taehyung to stop in his tracks.

"excuse me?"

"mark him, jeon jungkook..."

"you want me... to mark jeon jungkook? the same jeon jungkook in charge of the scouts? the team that was created to capture you? god you really are—"

"i only kill who's marked right?" jimin asked.

"uh no, you kill who you're told to," taehyung said rather bluntly.

"well, mark him so i can find him and murder him."

"are you insane? now that's something a criminal would do," taehyung's voice became more serious. he didn't like this side of jimin at all. he wished to not know it or speak with it. jimin's feelings were getting the best of him, in this odd emotional state of his. it was a side effect of jimin's pills. mood swings different from his normal mood swings. this was a side of jimin that wasn't seen by most and came out when he took his medications. "remember your job, jimin."

"we're already marked as criminals anyway, what's one murder out of boundaries?"

"do you hear yourself? obviously not since you're talking like this..."

jimin's eyes winced as if he was in pain. he became easily frustrated that his friend wouldn't comply with his wishes. almost like a child not getting his way. his emotion side began breaking through, his face heating up at the frustrations welling inside him. "you mark, i kill what's so hard about that?!" he asked in an exhausted, almost sad tone.

"jimin... you've had enough... please don't do anything stupid..." taehyung said, clinging to his best friend's t shirt, being careful not to actually touch his skin. meanwhile single tears silently escaped jimin's eyes and slowly made their way down his cheeks.

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