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—a fatal mistake

the day only dragged on while they came up with  all the possibilities that hoseok could have for joining park jimin. yoongi insisted that hoseok was some kind of double spy, because nothing else made sense. he must have still been a criminal.

he was back in the comfort of his penthouse, ordered to by yoongi and namjoon who begged him to take a rest. they promised him that they wouldn't let his work pile up. so the younger had gone agree with the opinions of the losers despite not agreeing to it in the beginning. he wouldn't mind a little time to himself and poor jaechan.

"jaechan! i'm home!" he smiled to himself as he heard a child's feet rushing towards him. an even bigger smile went across his lips when the young boy threw his arms around jungkook's leg like he always did. "how's my big boy doing?" jungkook said, taking off his coat and picking up jaechan.

"good! i miss kookie!" jaechan said, laying his head on jungkook's shoulder.

"i'm home early... uncle yoongi and uncle namjoon told me to come home, so i can spend the rest of the night with you!" jungkook said, while the little boy squealed in excitement.

"can we watch a movie?" jaechan said excitedly.

"sure! you go pick one out while i go get changed into some better clothes," he set jaechan down. the little boy ran off into the lounge area to pull out a case of movies. jungkook shook his head with a small laugh while he went over to his bedroom. he turned on the lights to the room and let out a tired sigh. he was glad that he could spend time with jaechan, maybe it would help his mind get off of the craziness from the day.

jungkook hung his coat on the back of the door, then walked over to his drawers to pick out some sweat pants and a plain t shirt. most nights if he were to come home, he would ditch changing and simply fall asleep in dress pants and button up shirts. usually he was too tired to care. but this time, it was a bit earlier in the night, so he didn't feel that sleepy just yet. he knew the excitement of the little boy would wear him out, he didn't mind it though.

after changing he met jaechan in the lounge room. the boy had already cuddled up on the couch with the movie in his hands.

"what did you want to watch, jaechan?" jungkook asked, taking the movie box from the boy's small hands.

"finding nemo!" jaechan said excitedly.

"what a good choice," jungkook said, ruffling the bouncer boys head, smiling in contentment. "let me go turn it on... do you want popcorn jaechannie?"

"popcorn! please koo!" jaechan clapped his hands. jungkook laughed at the large amounts of enthusiasm coming from such a small boy. after putting the disc in the dvd player and turning on the tv, he got a bag of popcorn from a cabinet and put it in the microwave.

he took out a large bowl to put the popcorn in and the white cheddar seasoning that he and the little boy loved. he took the warm popcorn and put it into the bowl and sprinkled a bit of seasoning on it and shaking it up. he brought the seasoning bottle to the table along with the bowl for him and kid to share.

both jaechan and jungkook took a piece of popcorn and put it in their mouths, chewing simultaneously.

"more," they both said in unison, followed by a small laugh. jungkook put some more seasoning into the bowl and then started up the movie.

they were both snuggled close in blankets, while the popcorn bowl rested on jungkook's leg. both of them were immersed in the cartoon. their laughs would echo throughout the room, jungkook often found that jaechan's laugh was contagious. the small child found everything funny. but it didn't take long for the boy that once had much enthusiasm to fall asleep. the movie was nearing its end anyway. however, the childish side of jungkook had to wait to see nemo reunite with his father.

after the movie truly ended, jungkook turned off the tv and put the popcorn bowl into the sink and put other things back where they belonged. he went to jaechan and picked the sleeping boy up, along with the blanket he was tangled in. then he simply went into his room.

he laid the boy down, his was guard standing in the room like normal. for some odd reason, he felt uncomfortable with the guard there. it was normal for him to feel like that, but since he woke up that morning with a tattoo, and found his previous guard drugged on the floor, something felt off to him. but he couldn't blame the men who he hired himself for protection not really for him but for jaechan.

"excuse me... would you mind... stayed outside the room?" jungkook timidly asked as if the guard could get mad at his boss.

"sure you sure boss? you usually have us in here... you want us out there tonight?" the guard asked in clear confusion.

"yes please, i'm just feeling some kind of way right now... tomorrow it should be back to normal... i'm sorry for the inconvenience," jungkook let out a small chuckle.

"no apology needed sir, we're happy to serve you in what way you see fit, if that means we guard the outside of your room, then do be it, have a nice rest sir," the guard left the room with a bow, closing the door behind him as we walked out.

jungkook let out a sigh of relief, that was easier than he thought it would be. he expected the guard to fight back a little harder, but maybe that only happens in the movies. he didn't bother himself with it though, instead he laid his head on the pillow, taking one last glance at the child next to him before finally drifting off to sleep.

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