Kid-Like Behavior | Frieza

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Frieza x Child! Reader
(F/N) = First name
(M/N) = Middle name
(L/N) = Last name

It was the near end of your planet. The place was badly destroyed with bodies seen from left to right. No one knew why this was happening, all they knew was that it was the end. The end of their lives, the end of their race. Even though you held on to the little hope you had, all was lost when you witness the mere murder of your parents from a far distance.

It was that move that eliminated every bit of hope you had left. Still trying to hide, you crouched down, hiding behind the remaining pieces from collapsed buildings.

You couldn't do anything but cry, still, you placed your hand over your mouth while trying to make as little of noise as possible. Yet, you couldn't help but sniff as you felt your nose clog up. Unfortunately, the sniffing was enough to cause the attention of the man who murdered your parents.

You soon heard the taps of the man as he came closer towards you. As much as you wanted to run, you knew it would be pointless. So you sat as far as you could against the wall and moved your hand over your nose. It was the most a 6-year-old could do.

The tapping got louder before it suddenly stopped. At some point, you heard nothing than your breathing.
"I know you're there. Come out, and your death may not be as painful." The male said, as you were about to do as he said, you heard a small voice in your head telling you to halt.

You didn't fully trust the male, yet you didn't want to anger him. Anyway, you were most likely going to die here. You had noticed the torn up bear on the floor, someone's hand being not too far. You quickly crawled towards the bear and grabbed it. It reeked of blood.

It was a moment, but you threw the bear over the building piece, being on the same side as the man for only a few seconds before being crumbled by lasers. That would most likely be you if you had shown yourself.

"Hmph, very clever. Still, time is scarce, as is my patience." The male said before teleporting to your side. You jumped back then quickly placed your hands on your head, indicating that you wanted to be spare. You failed to notice the male's face, which was shocked.

"My, my. Such a young fellow." Frieza said before using his tail to raise you to the air by one arm. You quickly placed your other hand on his tail, attempting to relieve some of the stress on your main arm. "And how old are you?" Frieza asked you. You hesitated before answering.

"...Six." You replied.
"...Six. And already testing my trust, you seem to maintain intelligence many brats your age don't have." Frieza said out loud, but was mainly talking to himself. "Do you have any parents?" When he asked you that, you looked at the dead corpses not far from the both of you. You pointed towards them.

Frieza turned his head to see the same bodies, realizing that you had to have witnessed him murder your guardians. He couldn't help but smile. "Poor child. Don't have anywhere else to go." You felt anger build up inside you, but didn't do anything. You couldn't do anything.

You soon felt your body fall to the ground. "Oh well. Letting you survive won't change anything. Consider yourself lucky." The tyrant told you before he turned away, levitated off the ground, about to leave.

"W-Wait!" You shouted, the tyrant turned his head. "Go with you!" You said as you walked toward the alien.
"And why should I let a child come with me?"
"Um... Smart! Like you said!"

The alien rolled his eyes, "I don't have time for this. And I refuse to let a child join me due to pity." Frieza said before turning his head away from you. You didn't want to be left alone, in what could only be called, a stranded planet. From what you knew, no one else was alive. Yet, you didn't know much...

Still, the thought of being alone was scary to you, you ran towards the alien and grabbed ahold of his tail, tugging on it, despite the fact that you weren't pulling him back.
"You little-"
"Go with you! Nowhere else to go!" As much as Frieza wanted to say no and kill you, he noticed how determined you were despite your age.

The alien growled as he whipped his tail, making you fall. "Alright then. If you want to come with me so badly, you'll work for me until you breathe your last breath. Is that clear?" The alien raised his voice. You ignored his tone and quickly nodded, despite not having a full understanding of what 'work' meant. The alien took a breath before walking towards his ship, you quickly following him.

•° Years Pass °•

You quickly ran and hid under your bed. You did a real big fuck up, but it was worth it. To make a long explanation short, you made it to where the lord would be greeted to an explosion of soda once he opened his door. When he was greeted, you got to hear on everything. From the sodas, to his anger, to his ordering, to his stomping.

"(F/N) (M/N) (L/N)!" You heard Frieza shout. 'Aw, I'm in deep shit.' You told yourself as Frieza walked up to your door. You purposely left it unlocked so you could escape, still, Frieza banged through the door.

"(F/N)!" You heard Frieza shout, as a puddle of soda formed once he stood still. You stayed completely quiet, waiting for Frieza to turn just enough to where he couldn't witness you.

He started looking for you as he walked toward you curtains, you saw your chance as you slowly started to crawl from under your bed and headed towards the door. You always hated this part, your heart pounds so loudly as you witness the pissed off emperor. 'Keep calm, silence is the answer, you've done this before just slowly-'

The floorboard screeched, as you realize that you had stepped on the wrong spot, you felt the emperor slowly turn his head towards you. You jolted out the room, Frieza being right behind you.

You didn't have time to run down the stairs, as you jumped from the second floor to the first, only feeling a minor strain in your leg. You completely ignored it as you ran as fast as you could, feeling Frieza's power from the far distance.

It was like this until Frieza managed to teleport in front of you, which you noticed and tried to turn the other way, but he got a grip on your leg as he lifted you into the air. "Aw, you got me." You jokingly said, Frieza didn't find your joke funny.
"You have some nerve."
"Seriously... Why did you have to have these childlike traits now instead of when you were younger? And where did you even get the money for those 2-liter sodas?"
"I spent my saving money on it. It took like a month or two to get it."

"I seriously should've left you to die on your planet," Frieza said as he dropped you to the floor before walking off. You couldn't help but smirk.
"You're an ass too!" You said, but getting no answer. Fun times.

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